“Our students are STARS! They shine by their own light, they follow their own path, and they don't dwindle in the darkness . . . for that is when they shine brightest.”
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Period 6 HW and JC Celebration
For your HW, go to the post titled "Period 1 HW and Ides of March" celebration. You will do the homework that is there. In addition, you need to leave a comment here for what you plan to bring for our Ides of March celebration on Thursday. Be careful not to bring too much of the same thing. Be sure to give your dish/item a name (e.g., Cinna's 7-Up). You also need to wear a toga OVER your uniform. See that same post about how to make one :)
Period 4 JC Celebration
Leave a comment here for what you would like to bring for our Ides of March celebration on Thursday. If there are too many repeats, bring something else. Remember to assign a name to your dish or item that relates to JC. For example, I am bringing Lupercal Lasagna. See??? You also need to remember to wear a toga over your school uniform. In the "Period 1 HW and Ides of March" post (a few posts down) has a link to show you how!
See you then :)
See you then :)
Period 2 HW and Celebration
For the HW, look at the post below this one (Period 1 HW and Ides of March Celebration). Remember that you need to post here what you plan to bring for our JC celebration. I also added a link for you to see how to make a toga :)
Monday, January 30, 2012
Periods 1 HW and Ides of March Celebration
For your HW, you need to look at the Student Performance Report we handed back for the Winter Interim Assessment. Look at the bar graph and pay special attention to the four categories: vocabulary, reading application, literary analysis, informational text/research process. Based on the percentages you earned for each category, you are going to create questions and answers that pertain to Acts IV and V of Julius Caesar (JC). You just can't create any questions, you need to create them using question stems (CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST). If you received a 100% in one of the categories, you do nothing. Great job! If you earned an 85%-99%, you will create one question (and its answer) for that category using the attached Question Stem handout. If you earned an 80%-84%, you will create two questions (and include their answers); 75%-79%, do 3 questions and their answers; 70%-74%, do 4 questions and answers; 69% or less, do 5 questions and answers. In case you don't know, a question stem is the beginning part of a question (or it's the skeleton of the question). You will have to add in the end of the question and relate it to JC. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FULL PLAY ONLINE :)
For example, I earned a 96% for the vocabulary category as seen in my bar graph. That means I have to create ONE question using the Category 1 (Vocabulary) question stems from the handout (the one I linked up above). I also have to tie it into Act 4 or 5 of JC. OK, so here a stem I can use from Category 1: "Read the sentence from the passage. What does the word ___ mean as used in the sentence above?" The boldfaced words are the stem, which I will use in my question, but I have to make it relevant to JC and fill in the blanks with the relevant info (then answer it, of course). So, here we go: Read the quote from the passage: "Our legions are brimful, our cause is ripe"? What does the word brimful mean as used in the quote, Answer: The word "brimful" means flowing over. This means Brutus' army is great in number and strength.
You see???? I created an FCAT-like question using a stem AND an idea from what we are reading in class. WOW! It's a little complicated, but it will help us improve on my weaknesses. Be sure you are using the correct question stems with the right categories (look at the table in the link...you will see that they're different for each category because they are testing different skills). Say you have to create 5 questions for a particular category because you earned less than a 69%, please know that you cannot repeat question stems.
Lastly, remember to leave a comment of what you plan to bring on Wednesday for our JC celebration. In addition, remember to wear your TOGA over your uniform. There are many sites online, including YouTube videos, that show you how to make one, so check those out. Try these instructions: CLICK HERE.
For example, I earned a 96% for the vocabulary category as seen in my bar graph. That means I have to create ONE question using the Category 1 (Vocabulary) question stems from the handout (the one I linked up above). I also have to tie it into Act 4 or 5 of JC. OK, so here a stem I can use from Category 1: "Read the sentence from the passage. What does the word ___ mean as used in the sentence above?" The boldfaced words are the stem, which I will use in my question, but I have to make it relevant to JC and fill in the blanks with the relevant info (then answer it, of course). So, here we go: Read the quote from the passage: "Our legions are brimful, our cause is ripe"? What does the word brimful mean as used in the quote, Answer: The word "brimful" means flowing over. This means Brutus' army is great in number and strength.
You see???? I created an FCAT-like question using a stem AND an idea from what we are reading in class. WOW! It's a little complicated, but it will help us improve on my weaknesses. Be sure you are using the correct question stems with the right categories (look at the table in the link...you will see that they're different for each category because they are testing different skills). Say you have to create 5 questions for a particular category because you earned less than a 69%, please know that you cannot repeat question stems.
Lastly, remember to leave a comment of what you plan to bring on Wednesday for our JC celebration. In addition, remember to wear your TOGA over your uniform. There are many sites online, including YouTube videos, that show you how to make one, so check those out. Try these instructions: CLICK HERE.
Friday, January 27, 2012
6th Period:
The site code for Writing Roadmap 2.0 is WR31-0018 after all. (Thank you, Astrid!)
Remember, the following is due on Tuesday, Jan. 31st.:
- Writing Roadmap self reflections and narrative feedback half sheet
- Index cards for vocabulary lessons 1-7
- FCAT Explorer Pre-test
- 2 sessions of Reading Plus :o)
Remember, the following is due on Tuesday, Jan. 31st.:
- Writing Roadmap self reflections and narrative feedback half sheet
- Index cards for vocabulary lessons 1-7
- FCAT Explorer Pre-test
- 2 sessions of Reading Plus :o)
Don't Forget FCAT Camp
FCAT Camp is tomorrow for writing. If you are not writing a consistent five or higher, you should be there. You will receive $3 Cambridge cash, a Wendy's lunch, and a TON of tips on fishing for a SIX! Arrive at 8:20 a.m.; we will be on the SECOND floor of building 3! It ends at 11:20 and then we feed you! SEE YOU THERE!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Periods 3 & 5 - Field Trip News and HW
Sadly, our field trip to the Zora Festival is canceled. If you paid, come see me tomorrow to get your money back (just don't interrupt me during class). To make up for the disappointment, I promise to cook for you on Wednesday, and we will watch Their Eyes Were Watching God.
Here is the link for your HW. Remember that you need to make notecards for ALL the words and roots. You are allowed to group words that mean the same thing. Do not group words that are of different parts of speech! On one side should be the word (or words), and the other side should have the definition and a synonym. No typing! If you see I've left off any words, please add them to the comments below :) THIS IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY, so START NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am giving you two extra days!
OK, love you!
Here is the link for your HW. Remember that you need to make notecards for ALL the words and roots. You are allowed to group words that mean the same thing. Do not group words that are of different parts of speech! On one side should be the word (or words), and the other side should have the definition and a synonym. No typing! If you see I've left off any words, please add them to the comments below :) THIS IS DUE ON WEDNESDAY, so START NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am giving you two extra days!
OK, love you!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Periods 2 & 6
Period 2 & 6 - Your HW is to create flashcards for ALL the vocab words we've had so far. However, you are not going to do one word per card. As you know, we have several words that are synonymous. You can bunch those words togther on one card. You will write the word on the front and a brief definition on the back (or you can use three synonyms in place of a definition if it makes it easier for you to understand). CLICK HERE for a COMPLETE LIST of all the words thus far (Units 1-7). You must also do cards for each of the roots :) You are NOT allowed to type your cards, and they are due on Tuesday, 1/31.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Periods 1, 3 and 5 HW
Period 1 - Click here to access FCAT EXPLORER. Enter your FCAT Explorer ID and password we gave you today (not the one for writing). Once you are in, go to Reading Timeline and do the Preflight Check. Complete the whole test, which is about 40 questions. This pretest will help them design activities and questions for your specific needs. We will run the reports Thursday morning. Oh! Maribel, Adrian, Mark, Ricardo, and Alexander - please come and see tomorrow for you passwords; I created them today. You can text me tonight if you would rather get started today!
You also need to fill out a reflection form for your essay today. Use the notes you took on the results from your Writing Roadmap entry today. Click here for the form. Fill it out accordingly then staple it to the front of your essay sheet. We will collect these upon arrival Thursday morning :)
Periods 3 & 5 - Read the last few chapters of TEWWG. You also need to study for your vocab 7 test. I will only put Unit 7 words on it; however, there will also be TEWWG questions included. Don't get spoiled - we will be back to cumulative vocab tests for Unit 8! Woohoo! In addition, if you did not give me your money for the field trip today, please come by tomorrow! If we don't get enough people to sign up, we may have to cancel!
You also need to fill out a reflection form for your essay today. Use the notes you took on the results from your Writing Roadmap entry today. Click here for the form. Fill it out accordingly then staple it to the front of your essay sheet. We will collect these upon arrival Thursday morning :)
Periods 3 & 5 - Read the last few chapters of TEWWG. You also need to study for your vocab 7 test. I will only put Unit 7 words on it; however, there will also be TEWWG questions included. Don't get spoiled - we will be back to cumulative vocab tests for Unit 8! Woohoo! In addition, if you did not give me your money for the field trip today, please come by tomorrow! If we don't get enough people to sign up, we may have to cancel!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
All Periods - HW, Cambridge Cash and Star Points
ALL PERIODS - If you have unused STARS, submit your forms tomorrow! If you earned $5 in Cambridge Cash, email Ms. Curbelo or me with the assignment you want removed (it must be an assignment for 15 points or less). Understand that if you have a low percentage (like a 62%, 74%, 85%), it's not going to bump you up to the next grade, so it might benefit you more to hold onto the cash until next quarter. However, if you have a high percentage of a grade (like a 67%, 78%, 89%), it would help to turn in your Cambridge Cash for this quarter. You will hand over your cash on Tuesday or Wednesday, but email us now with the specific grade you want removed (include the date, name and point value of the assignment). No requests will be considered after Sunday at 9 p.m.!
Period 1 - Your HW is to create flashcards for ALL the vocab words we've had so far. However, you are not going to do one word per card. As you know, we have several words that are synonymous. You can bunch those words togther on one card. You will write the word on the front and a brief definition on the back (or you can use three synonyms in place of a definition if it makes it easier for you to understand). CLICK HERE for a COMPLETE LIST of all the words thus far (Units 1-7). You must also do cards for each of the roots :)
Period 2 - You need to write a hook for the prompt we discussed yesterday about celebrities. Remember to write one that's an analogy, anecdote, startling statement, question and quote.
Period 4 - Go to the post for January 6th (titled "Periods 1 & 4 HW"). You will need the link to access the play. Read Act II, scenes ii, iii and iv. Your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in these scene (just find an example of one of the Unit 7 words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), and a title that you would give the scenes as a whole (a brief explanation of your choice).
You need post it on the blog by Thursday night at midnight (make sure you comment under this post and not anywhere else). Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote as some other student. You all can repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
Periods 3 & 5 - Read Chapters 13-17 of TEWWG. For each chapter, create a chart. There should be 4 rows, and they should be titled: "Figurative Language", "Syntax", "Word Choice" and Tone. There should be 4 columns. "Specific Name of the Tool or Language Used", "The Example and Pg Number", "Its Effect on the Reader or Story", and "Example/Effect Connection". Basically, it's as if you were creating a planning sheet for a critical analysis paper for each chapter. Does that make sense??? Be prepared for a Vocab Test for Unit 7 for Thursday. YOU ALSO NEED TO ROUND UP YOUR FUNDS FOR THE TRIP ($30)! I WILL COLLECT MONEY ON TUEDAY :)
Period 1 - Your HW is to create flashcards for ALL the vocab words we've had so far. However, you are not going to do one word per card. As you know, we have several words that are synonymous. You can bunch those words togther on one card. You will write the word on the front and a brief definition on the back (or you can use three synonyms in place of a definition if it makes it easier for you to understand). CLICK HERE for a COMPLETE LIST of all the words thus far (Units 1-7). You must also do cards for each of the roots :)
Period 2 - You need to write a hook for the prompt we discussed yesterday about celebrities. Remember to write one that's an analogy, anecdote, startling statement, question and quote.
Period 4 - Go to the post for January 6th (titled "Periods 1 & 4 HW"). You will need the link to access the play. Read Act II, scenes ii, iii and iv. Your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in these scene (just find an example of one of the Unit 7 words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), and a title that you would give the scenes as a whole (a brief explanation of your choice).
You need post it on the blog by Thursday night at midnight (make sure you comment under this post and not anywhere else). Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote as some other student. You all can repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
Periods 3 & 5 - Read Chapters 13-17 of TEWWG. For each chapter, create a chart. There should be 4 rows, and they should be titled: "Figurative Language", "Syntax", "Word Choice" and Tone. There should be 4 columns. "Specific Name of the Tool or Language Used", "The Example and Pg Number", "Its Effect on the Reader or Story", and "Example/Effect Connection". Basically, it's as if you were creating a planning sheet for a critical analysis paper for each chapter. Does that make sense??? Be prepared for a Vocab Test for Unit 7 for Thursday. YOU ALSO NEED TO ROUND UP YOUR FUNDS FOR THE TRIP ($30)! I WILL COLLECT MONEY ON TUEDAY :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Periods 3 & 5 Info
If you are interested in going on the Zora Neale Hurston Festival field trip next Friday, post a comment ASAP. It's $25. If we get enough people to sign up, we may still be able to afford a bus!
Periods 1, 3 and 5 HW
Period 1 - Go to the post for January 6th (titled "Periods 1 & 4 HW"). You will need the link to access the play. Read Act III, scene i. Your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in this scene (just find an example of one of the Unit 7 words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and line number), and a title that you would give the scene (a brief explanation of your choice).
You need post it on the blog by Wednesday night at midnight (make sure you comment under this post and not anywhere else). Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote as some other student. You all can repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
Period 3 - I will give you two extra days (today and tomorrow) for the Reading Plus activity stated in the post below since some of you did not check, and I did not announce it in class. (You poor, deprived children!)
Also remember that you need to have FIRM GRIP on chapters 7-12 for next class. Make sure you have notes in the margins and that you are an expert on each chapter. THERE IS AN ESSAY COMING, SO BE READY!
Period 5 - Remember that you need to have FIRM GRIP on chapters 7-12 for next class. Make sure you have notes in the margins and that you are an expert on each chapter. THERE IS AN ESSAY COMING, SO BE READY!
You need post it on the blog by Wednesday night at midnight (make sure you comment under this post and not anywhere else). Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote as some other student. You all can repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
Period 3 - I will give you two extra days (today and tomorrow) for the Reading Plus activity stated in the post below since some of you did not check, and I did not announce it in class. (You poor, deprived children!)
Also remember that you need to have FIRM GRIP on chapters 7-12 for next class. Make sure you have notes in the margins and that you are an expert on each chapter. THERE IS AN ESSAY COMING, SO BE READY!
Period 5 - Remember that you need to have FIRM GRIP on chapters 7-12 for next class. Make sure you have notes in the margins and that you are an expert on each chapter. THERE IS AN ESSAY COMING, SO BE READY!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Periods 3 & 5
If you do two Reading Plus sessions per day (today, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and Monday), you will be able to replace some missed sessions from previous weeks. NO EXCUSES! Get it done!
Remember that we are reading chapters 7-12 for Tuesday, and your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in the group of chapters (does not have to be in the chapters; just find an example of one of the words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), a title that you would give the six chapters combined (a brief explanation of your choice), and your favorite quote and an explanation why it's your fave. You are not doing these tasks for each of the chapters; you are doing this once for the six combined.
You need post it on the blog. Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote. You all repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
You must do this by Monday night at 11 p.m. Be sure to include your first name, last INITIAL, and your period number at the end of your post.
Love you!
Remember that we are reading chapters 7-12 for Tuesday, and your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in the group of chapters (does not have to be in the chapters; just find an example of one of the words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), a title that you would give the six chapters combined (a brief explanation of your choice), and your favorite quote and an explanation why it's your fave. You are not doing these tasks for each of the chapters; you are doing this once for the six combined.
You need post it on the blog. Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote. You all repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.
You must do this by Monday night at 11 p.m. Be sure to include your first name, last INITIAL, and your period number at the end of your post.
Love you!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Periods 3 & 5 HW
Click HERE to access your HW. You will create a chart for each of the two handouts. One is for chapter 5, and one is for chapter 6.
Remember to keep adding to our TEWWG lexicon below :)
Remember to keep adding to our TEWWG lexicon below :)
Monday, January 9, 2012
HW for 2nd Period - Due Wednesday, 1/11
Follow the same directions as below for Act III, scene i. :o)
Friday, January 6, 2012
Periods 1 and 4 HW
Read the end of Act II, Scene 1, as well as Act II, Scene 2. Using ALL of your Unit 7 vocab words (the link for the list is below), describe the actions, motivations or cogitations of four of the prominent characters from Act II, Scenes 1 & 2. You don't have to use all of the vocab words PER character...just spread them out over four characters. Click here to access the play. Remember, we left off at the end of Act II, Scene I! Do it in bookmark form, and give your bookmark a title that encompasses the action in both scenes!
Click HERE if you need the Vocab Unit 7 Words!
Smile :)
Click HERE if you need the Vocab Unit 7 Words!
Smile :)
LEXICON for Their Eyes Were Watching God

If you find a word that you've figured out, post a comment with the word and its modern-day translation.
Read the ones I have already done under COMMENTS. Let's add as we go!
Periods 3 & 5 HW due Tuesday
In addition to reading chapters 1- 4 of Their Eyes Were Watching God, you will also create your own bookmark! Woohoo!
SIDE ONE - you need to look for literary tools that are present in these chapters. You will need to find two different lit tools per tier then include them on your bookmark. You will write the lit tool, the example from the book, why the author used it, as well as the page number:
Tier One - metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, oxymoron
Tier Two - personification, paradox, hyperbole, allusion
Tier Three - apostrophe, metonymy, pun, or irony (verbal, situational or dramatic)
You will also need to give the four chapters ONE title!
SIDE TWO will reflect your vocab at work. You are NOT looking for the vocab words in the chapters; rather, you are looking for events or situations that are examples of your vocab words. You will only need to do do this for 7 words from the Unit 7 word list. You will write the vocab word, the quote that relates to the word, the page number and a brief explanation why that word relates to that quote.
Write your name, the date and the period on this side at the bottom :)
SIDE ONE - you need to look for literary tools that are present in these chapters. You will need to find two different lit tools per tier then include them on your bookmark. You will write the lit tool, the example from the book, why the author used it, as well as the page number:
Tier One - metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, oxymoron
Tier Two - personification, paradox, hyperbole, allusion
Tier Three - apostrophe, metonymy, pun, or irony (verbal, situational or dramatic)
You will also need to give the four chapters ONE title!
SIDE TWO will reflect your vocab at work. You are NOT looking for the vocab words in the chapters; rather, you are looking for events or situations that are examples of your vocab words. You will only need to do do this for 7 words from the Unit 7 word list. You will write the vocab word, the quote that relates to the word, the page number and a brief explanation why that word relates to that quote.
Write your name, the date and the period on this side at the bottom :)
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
HW - Periods 2, 4, 6
Define and find an example for each of the following: antimetabole, antithesis, syllogism, pathos, ethos, and logos.
Smile...and see you on Wednesday :)
Smile...and see you on Wednesday :)
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