Monday, January 30, 2012

Periods 1 HW and Ides of March Celebration

For your HW, you need to look at the Student Performance Report we handed back for the Winter Interim Assessment.  Look at the bar graph and pay special attention to the four categories: vocabulary, reading application, literary analysis, informational text/research process. Based on the percentages you earned for each category, you are going to create questions and answers that pertain to Acts IV and V of Julius Caesar (JC).  You just can't create any questions,  you need to create them using question stems (CLICK HERE FOR THE LIST).   If you received a 100% in one of the categories, you do nothing.  Great job!  If you earned an 85%-99%, you will create one question (and its answer) for that category using the attached Question Stem handout.  If you earned an 80%-84%, you will create two questions (and include their answers); 75%-79%, do 3 questions and their answers; 70%-74%, do 4 questions and answers; 69% or less, do 5 questions and answers.  In case you don't know, a question stem is the beginning part of a question (or it's the skeleton of the question).  You will have to add in the end of the question and relate it to JC.   CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE FULL PLAY ONLINE :)

For example, I earned a 96% for the vocabulary category as seen in my bar graph.  That means I have to create ONE question using the Category 1 (Vocabulary) question stems from the handout (the one I linked up above).   I also have to tie it into Act 4 or 5 of JC.  OK, so here a stem I can use from Category 1: "Read the sentence from the passage. What does the word ___ mean as used in the sentence above?" The boldfaced words are the stem, which I will use in my question, but I have to make it relevant to JC and fill in the blanks with the relevant info (then answer it, of course).   So, here we go: Read the quote from the passage: "Our legions are brimful, our cause is ripe"? What does the word brimful mean as used in the quote,   Answer: The word "brimful" means flowing over.  This means Brutus' army is great in number and strength.

You see???? I created an FCAT-like question using a stem AND an idea from what we are reading in class.  WOW!  It's a little complicated, but  it will help us improve on my weaknesses.    Be sure you are using the correct question stems with the right categories (look at the table in the will see that they're different for each category because they are testing different skills).  Say you have to create 5 questions for a particular category because you earned less than a 69%, please know that you cannot repeat question stems.

Lastly, remember to leave a comment of what you plan to bring on Wednesday for our JC celebration.  In addition, remember to wear your TOGA over your uniform.  There are many sites online, including YouTube videos, that show you how to make one, so check those out.  Try these instructions: CLICK HERE.


  1. Ashley A.- Julius' Jelly
    Gaby S.- Brutus' Bread
    Gabby B.- Portia's Peanut Butter
    Period 1

  2. I will be bringing Caesar's Special Drink? I mean fruit punch :)

  3. How many people are in period 1 ? (Just making sure)
    Im bringing Caesar's Chocolate Chip Cookies-Amber S. Period 1

  4. Peanut butter????? I thought we gave that up, Gaby????? LOL!!!

  5. Octavius Orange Soda. :D

    -Esteban Zapata P.1

  6. Purple Grapes a la Portia - Marcela Lopez
    Green Grapes a la Portia- Stephanie Zayas
    Strawberries- Alexandra Chirino

    Period 1

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm bringing Merengitos but for the purposes of this celebration they will be known as Portia's Puffs.

    Natalie Valdes-- Period 1

  9. I'm bringing cups or in this case the goblets

    ~Saily M. Period #2

  10. I'll bring Portia's plates :)

    -Lauren Alvarez Pd.1

  11. I'm going to bring plates and napkins

    -Mark P. Period # 1

  12. I'm bringing cheese puffs. Lets call it for this ocation Cassius puffies

  13. Cynthia ; Portia's fancy silver wear.

    Katherine ; Cinna's favorite chips.

  14. Im going to bring Coke, Caesars Coke.

  15. Royal Roman Plates and Chalices


  16. Devil-ed Cassius Eggs, as the Romans used to favor eating eggs.
    -Senyah :)

  17. portia's punch!(blood shed when she stabbed her thigh) - Karina Corbalan P.6
