Friday, September 30, 2011

Thank you all for your generous donations.  In addition to all our thoughts and prayers, our collection will help Brenda and her family through this terribly tough time.

A service is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 1:00 p.m. at the Kingdom Hall on 1260 W. 60th St. in Hialeah.  Mrs. Rodriguez and I will attend on behalf of our entire MC2R family and will undoubtedly see several of you there.

Mrs. Rodriguez and I feel truly blessed to have you all as our students.  You are amazing!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

We Need You :)

A member of the MC2R family suffered terrible loss this week. Brenda (Period 2) lost her brother (16 years old) in a horrific car accident. She and her family were returning from Orlando when their car lost control and rolled over more than a half dozen times. Several of her family members were hurt and will recover. However, her brother was ejected from the vehicle and died.  

Brenda came away from the accident with minor injuries, and she is remaining strong and positive. Mrs. Curbelo and I are amazed by her strength of spirit!  It only reinforces the quote at the top of our blog: “Our students are STARS! They shine by their own light, they follow their own path, and they don't dwindle in the darkness...for that is when they shine brightest.”  Brenda, we know, will shine on!

With all that said, let's come together as families do and help Brenda and her family. Mrs. Curbelo and I are going to take up a collection THIS FRIDAY AND MONDAY to contribute to her family.   Bring in your loose change, bills, whatever,  If you don't have money to donate, why not sacrifice your Jean's Day dollar for Brenda?  We know times are tight right now, so if you can't help financially, your prayers would be perfect!  Those are more valuable than money!

Let's keep our "red bandana attitude."  We know from Welles' story how much one can do...just imagine what our whole family can do :)

Remember, MC2R love you!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

AP Classes

Sorry if I forgot to remind you that you all had HW this weekend.  Once you read this, please text a friend from either 3rd or 5th to let them know you all have an assignment :) 

For Monday, I want you to print out, read and highlight the President's Back-to-School speech (included below).  You will highlight the ethos in yellow, pathos in pink and logos in blue.  I also want you to CIRCLE 3 literary devices you find, and underline 3 syntactical structures.  Be sure to label those :)  You will need to bring ALL of this to class completed on Monday.

BE REMINDED THAT THERE IS A VOCAB TEST ON MONDAY AS WELL!  There will be questions from all three units and, possibly, the Gladiator Words of the Day :)

Word of the Day :)

 In case you're not getting it in 3rd and 4th periods, here you go :)  Remember, these words could show up on your vocabulary quizzes, and we will be doing vocab journal checks every now and again, so always have them with you!


A star to the first student that posts the kind of syntax we used in the post above. Be sure to explain your answer :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Period 1: Here's the answer to our question.

"Vampires have various types of venom in their bodies that allow them to pass as humans, including those similar to seminal fluids which carry genetic information and are capable of bonding with a human ovum."

Click here to see the entire explanation directly from Stephenie Meyer's website!

Friday, September 23, 2011

New Literary Tools Powerpoint

In case you missed the lecture for the new Literary Tools (due to the pep rally or an absence), or if you lost your notes, here is a PPT with the information.  Remember, your bookmarks for chapters 5-7 of Breaking Dawn are due on Monday or Tuesday (depending on which period you have English class).

We hope this helps!

Oh, don't forget to do your Reading Plus!  We have awards for our leaders! 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Reading Plus Stars

 Just took a look at our Reading Plus stats this morning,
and we thought we could get a little SUPERSTAR competition going!

Let's look at the standings this week for Average Sessions Completed (ASC):
C-Rod's Period 3 - 2.5 ASC
C-Rod's Period 4 - 2.4 ASC
Curbelo's Period 4, MC2R's Period 6, and C-Rod's Period 5 - 2.3 ASC
MC2R's Period 2 - 2.2 ASC
MC2R's Period 1 & Curbelo's Period 5 - 1.8 (Let's get movin', y'all!)

Now let's look at the standings for Average Comprehension Level (ACL):
Curbelo's Period 5 - 88%
C-Rod's Period 5 - 87%
Curbelo's Period 4, C-Rod's Period 3 and MC2R's Period 1 - 83 %
MC2R's Period 2 & C-Rod's Period 4 - 82%
MC2R's Period 6 - 81%

The leaders for Most Sessions Completed by Period (MSCBP) are:
Jonluc, Chabely P., Michelle R., Paul P., Senyah, Eric V., Eric O., and Brian V.

OK, so this should be a reminder to "GET 'ER DONE!" Remember, three sessions per week FOR ALL CLASSES! We will check our reports again FIRST THING TUESDAY MORNING :)

We promise that this is good for you. If you're feeling the squeeze, know that it means you're learning :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


AP Classes: You all have your Unit 2 vocab test on Friday, September 16th :)
CLICK HERE for the AP Unit 2 activities.
CLICK HERE for the AP Unit 1 activities.

Eng II Classes: You have your Unit 2 vocab test on Monday & Tuesday!
CLICK HERE for the Eng II Unit 2 activities.
CLICK HERE for the Eng II Unit 1 activities.

ALL Classes: Remember that your tests are cumulative, which means you need to study your chapter one words, too! It also helps to know your literary tools (those may show up as well).

BE READY! We will do a quick review of Unit 2 before the test. Hang in there. We are trying to get in the routine :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Red Handkerchief Reflection

All but fourth period got to see the amazing story about Welles, the man in the red bandanna. We were able to talk about the lessons learned from his story and the meaning behind that piece of material. Mrs. Curbelo and I asked you to go home and tie/hang your red bandana fabric somewhere you could see it each day. So with that said, let us know what you've learned from this experience...and what you plan to do to stay on track with your dreams, answer your calling, or have more honor. You can leave your comments on the blog :)

I promise, fourth period, you will be able to respond on Thursday after we get to watch the clip in class :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Homework - Reading Plus

Remember, you must complete 3 sessions by Tuesday, excluding the one that we already checked this past Wednesday. By Tuesday morning, you should have completed a total of 4 sessions. :o)

If you have trouble entering Reading Plus through your student portal, click here and enter hia117 as the site code.
(Your password is - your student ID #)

Don't forget to study your vocabulary too!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

AP Classes - HW

Test corrections for your first vocab test are due next class, so here is what you need to do:

For all questions, write the word and definition five times. This includes any lit tools you missed. For the synonym/antonym questions, write the word in the question then "is synonymous with" then the vocab word. If it's an antonym, you would do the same, but put "is the opposite of." All lit tool/rhetorical strategy questions, it's the same: lit tool and definition. There are no examples needed for any questions. If you miss the same word twice, do the corrections anyway. In essence, you should have a set of five for each question you missed. If you misspelled a word, spell it out five times. No need to define it.

Remember, all corrections go on top, and the test goes on the bottom.

Hang in there, guys. This is merely a transition. You will learn the ins and outs of vocab, as well as the kind of tests I give, very soon. I promise, it will help you in more ways than you know.

SMILE...and know you are loved!

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Period Only

Sorry, 1st period, but we reset quite a few of you on Reading Plus. We did this because we felt you could do better than what we saw on our score report. How will you know if you have to take the RPA again? It will start you on the RPA. If you don't have to, it will take you right to your session.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure you have a quiet space, free of all distractions (no music, no mom making dinner, no siblings running around). Sign back in to your student portal, go to applications then take it again. If you have any issues with your portal, leave a comment then check back for a reply. Anyone who has to redo the RPA but already did a session, you will still need to do another session. :(

Sorry for the inconvenience, but MC2R want to make sure that you are at a Reading Plus level that is best for you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011


All classes will need to do vocab cards for their new set of words (see the bottom of this post). Print a few copies of the cards then fill them out appropriately, cut them, and paperclip them. You can print pictures to glue onto the cards, or you can draw your own. The key is that you find an image that helps you remember the word...not the first one to show up on Google images. In addition, all boxes MUST be completed...and your sentences must contain some kind of context clue (also, be sure to use the word in the correct part of speech). There is no need to do cards for the ROOTS or PREFIXES. This assignment will be due Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on which day we see you!

English II Classes:
CLICK HERE to access your new list of vocab words, as well as the review activities! In addition to the vocab assignment, be sure to complete your RPA and one session of Reading Plus before Tuesday or Wednesday. Remember to do all Reading Plus sessions in a quiet spot...and be sure to allow 45 minutes to complete a session. Once you see a red, yellow and green chart, you are finished with one session.

AP Classes:
CLICK HERE to access your new list of words, as well as the flashcard/memory activities. Not only do you need to do your vocab cards, you also need to create a final draft of your bio poem. You can handwrite it or you can type it. Regardless, I want to see colorful and decorative pieces that symbolize you! Add graphics, texture, or photos if you want! I will also be looking for ALIVE words (none of this "sad" or "mad" nonsense), as well as correct grammar and spelling. BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! I will try and post my own sample soon. Oh, if you did not finish your Diagnostic Test, please do so this weekend! No help from a dictionary, classmate or search engine. It's NOT A GRADE; I just want to see where you are, what we need to do, and how I need to plan for the year. Lastly, be sure to do the poll that will be listed on the left. We will post it sometime tonight.

Vocab cards
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