Red Handkerchief Reflection
All but fourth period got to see the amazing story about Welles, the man in the red bandanna. We were able to talk about the lessons learned from his story and the meaning behind that piece of material. Mrs. Curbelo and I asked you to go home and tie/hang your red bandana fabric somewhere you could see it each day. So with that said, let us know what you've learned from this experience...and what you plan to do to stay on track with your dreams, answer your calling, or have more honor. You can leave your comments on the blog :)I promise, fourth period, you will be able to respond on Thursday after we get to watch the clip in class :)
- Jessica K. Rodriguez 1st period-
ReplyDeleteThis story really hit me. I'm glad you guys were able to share it with us. It made me realize how much we take for granted. This has encouraged me to never give up, whether it may be a simple math problem, or a life long project. I decided to tie my bandanna to a first place Judo medal. It reminds me that if there is a will, there is a way, it demonstrates that you can achieve a goal, even if you may have to change the way you were planning on approaching that goal. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It may seem like a small activity, but it sure did affect me a lot.
I thought it was a very great lesson, and I was inspired. I'm sure my colleagues were too. I learned to never let go of your dreams, no matter how many obstacles or hardships one has to face.
ReplyDeleteI plan on working hard to accomplish my goals. On never giving up, no matter how many people discourage you and how many times one falls.
It's like the saying: "Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals." - Dorothy Height.
Nothing but tears ran down my face as the story of Welles: The man in the red bandanna was being shown to me. How brave, how heroic and patriotic this man really was. He was everything everyone should hope to be and a great symbol for inspiration for all of us filled with ambition. I'm sure he knew if he not flee soon, he would not live. I'm also sure he that to him, that was not what mattered to him. He died doing exactly what he had longed for, exactly what he loved. If Welles would've left that building and not have gone to save those lives he would probably be among us today. But I'm sure that even though he is not among us anymore he would have much rather have had it that way than any other way. This mans story is not only an inspiration but a lesson to us all. Before learning of Welles story I probably would've thought any incidents similar to his were nothing more than idiotic. But what about his story is not at all beautiful? We should always do what we love. No matter if it doesn't directly benefit us, if we truly love it that shouldn't even matter. If it's really our hearts calling and truest desires nothing should stop us from achieving it. Whatever "it" may be. From now on, I vow to myself to put in all my sweat, tears, hard work, and dedication on my greatest dreams. I will never turn my back on something if it's what I truly love even if it's not the most self beneficial thing. I promise to always do what will one day not make on myself but others who love me and look up to me, proud. In reality, any day can be our last. Only God knows the time we must departure from this lifetime. So I will look at my red bandanna hanging along side my mirror and remember to live everyday the Welles way.
ReplyDeleteWelles's story really touched me and it made me realized that anyone can be a hero, whether it be something as grand as saving their life or a simple brightening of their day. It showed me that by having honor and courage, no obstacle seems ominous. It gave me a better sense of determination and will to pursue my goals and dreams, no matter the stumbles and falls along the way. The red bandanna fabric you gave us is a reminder of, not only of Welles and his amazing story, but of the kind of person we should aspire to be.
ReplyDeleteAs I was watching this, all I could feel were the tears rolling down my face as I heard his story and how selfless he was. How he gave up his life to help those in distress in the burning towers. How he helped 12 people or more survive, and how they're thankful until today. It showed me how fast life can just change in the blink of an eye and we should never give up, no matter how hard a task might seem. A lot of us complain about the smallest things, might even be too much homework. However this man, Wellers never gave up and helped those in need. I hung my bandana on the drawer of my desk, the one on the top to be able to always see it and remind myself that no matter how hard a situation might seem, never EVER to give up. To always follow my dreams and to fulfill my goals. To try my hardest and be the best person I could be. Thank you for sharing this amazing story of courage to us.
ReplyDeleteMy great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return.
~Maya Angelou
Well the story of Welles really hits home for me. Right now I have no true calling, I have no clue as to what I really want to do. So I'm going with my brain and not my head. I want a career path with a high income and I hope with all that money I can lead a happy life in luxury. The thing is, the story of the man in the red bandana made me realize something. His want to do the thing he loved most opened my eyes. It's not all about the money in this world, it's not all about living life in luxury, it's not all about the logical thing to do. It's about what YOU want to do, what your heart tells you as corny as that sounds. So I've decided I'll wait it out. I'll see what interests me and calls me. Aviation has always been something I've wanted to do even though many people have told me it's not that great. Tell that to my heart which yearns to feel the excitement of being up in the air with me in control. So thanks to Welles, this incredible man who lost his life doing what he loves best, I've seen the truth. So thanks Welles, you saved many more people's lives than you think.
ReplyDelete-Steven Aragundi P.5
Excellent quotes, beautiful reflections, and powerful words - that is how I would describe what I have seen in your comments!
ReplyDeleteI love Isabel's "remember to live everyday the Welles Way!"
I was also intrigued by Aragundi's post. This is what I can tell you - Do what you love! I promise that if you do what you love, your job will be your joy! I always tell Doctor Algaze "thanks for my joy." Doing what you love, it will never feel like a job; it will feel like your life's work, your calling, what you were put on this planet to do. And that, my dear, is worth more than gold, diamonds, platinum, whatever! IT'S PRICELESS!
Keep the comments coming, guys and gals! And thank you for being in my life!
From the video it really hit me how this man never let go of his dream, even if it was in the last hour or so of his life. No matter what you do, you have to follow your dreams and what makes you happy, not what others have set out for you. Not only that, but Welles is a true hero, he wasn't obligated to help all those people, he could of been alive on this day if he would of just left the building, but sometimes you have to think of others and thats exactly what he did, and he left the world known as a hero, not a simple survivor.
ReplyDelete-Stephanie Fanuz pd.1
Alot can be learned from crowler welles, he helped me personaly realize the idea of everyday waking up and saying to myself that no matter the struggle,the tiredness, or how contriving my soul could be. Be greater than that and always have in mind the seed of faith thats planted in your heart. And when the enemy strikes be brave,courageous,and no matter the outcome...youll know u had the faith it took. In other words, if life strikes me with holding me back from my dreams,ill be standing firm knowing my day will come and succeed
ReplyDeleteWelles' story was definitely touching. On September 11, 2001, Welles died doing what he loved to save twelve people. In giving up his live to save others, he also changed my life. He changed my perspective on my goals and on how I view life. More than anything I love to help people and be able to make them smile. Some people make me feel like this joy of mine is a foolish idea but Welles made me realize that no matter how many obstacles you have to overcome, you can always achieve your goals and be who you were meant to be.
ReplyDeleteWelles' story made me change my whole point of view on life. it made me appreciate what i have and also inspired me to reach for all of my goals. Welles' died doing what he's always wanted to do, helping people.
ReplyDeleteWelles' story was inspiring! He died doing what he loved, which was being a firefighter and saving lives! He will be remembered with great respect and honor. His story galvanized my peers and I to fulfill our dreams and goals in life until the very last breath. My dream, has always been to help save lives, for I want to be a doctor. To reach my goal, I know I will have to work hard in school and dedicate myself to reach my desired GPA to get into a great University, that will ultimately lead me in the right path. Welles' story will remain etched on the canvas of our hearts.
ReplyDeleteWelles story was just incredible, as a kid he always wanted to be a firefighter. On september 11, 2001 he finally got to be the person he always wanted to be, he saved many lives and died doing what he loved to do. There's not many people who have that courage and bravery like him. We really need to appreciate life more and Welles not only made me become a better person but he made me realize that having a good heart& following your dream doesn't cost a thing. Welles really inspired me.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Adlih! I loved your Maya Angelou quote...and it appears Welles lived this way!
ReplyDeleteJust so you guys know, Mrs. Curbelo and I plan to infuse Welles Way into our curriculum this year, so you NEVER FORGET!
Love you all!
I was really inspired by Welles' heroic act. In the end he went down doing what he loved, being awesome and saving lives; fulfilling his dream for a brief yet incredibly significant moment. Not only should we consider the lives he saved, but also those he touched, for even after death he is an inspiration to many people, the many replies to this post are a testament to that. To tell the truth, I envy both Welles and Mrs. Rodriguez's passion and dedication to their calling and hope I someday feel that way towards a job. So far I've considered a few careers but as of now I'm not in love with anything in particular. For now all I gotta do is keep my eyes open and hope that calling reveals itself as I try to intellectually improve myself. Once a teacher of mine told me "A job is about finding something you LOVE to do and someone dumb enough to pay you for doing it". Thank you Mrs. Rodriguez for showing us this video.
ReplyDeletePS: The red bandana's staying tied to my book bag til the end of the year.
Throughout this entire video tears ran down my face. Welles heroism is to be honored forever. His story and his selflessness are so incredibly impacting. His story showed me that even though sometimes we go through life stumbling and falling to get back up and try again. Never give up. Welles never gave up on his dream of being a firefighter and being able to save lives. Thats exactly what he died doing, what he was most passionate about. I want to be a heart surgeon for the same reason Welles wanted to be a firefighter, to save lives. His story has taught me to never give up on this dream. I tied my red bandanna to my wrist so I can be reminded every day, like Isabel said "To Live the Welles Way." Thank you Mrs. Rodriguez for showing us such a moving story.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Rodriguez
Period 4
~Lissy Perera, from 2nd period says:
ReplyDelete"The red bandana story really hit me. As the credits rolled, so did tears. I was in awe of what Welles did for others. It's when we learn to care for otehrs as our own when we truly learn the value of life. I think Welles really showed us that and more; it took alot of courage to make the sacrifices (for total strangers !!) that he did. Welles really changed my perspective; he ded doing what he loved: saving people. Welles made me realize, if you only have a set amount of time left to live, do what you truly desire because you may never get the chance to do it again. I too own a red bandana; that bandana and the other strip of red bandana that Ms. Curbelo & Ms. Rodriguez gave us will forever remind me of the beautiful sacrifices and efforts that Welles made ofr others; and I too will one day aspire for my goals and dreams because you never know when you won't have that chance. So, thank you Welles, for showing me that I can really make an impact even when time's almost up."
Welles story was both Depressing and inspiring. It showed me to always Follow after my dreams and never settle for less. Everyone has a calling and one way or another your calling will find you. Like Welles calling came stumbling down the stairs calling his name, he felt the passion and need to help people. After all he wanted to change his profession to become a firefighter and he certainly did accomplish that he saved about 12 lives and believe it or not he made a big impact. People need to learn to value there lives more and by people i mean me to! Thanks so much for sharing Welles story with me! - Janelle Jimenez period 4! C-Rod<3
ReplyDeleteI was truely touched by this video we saw. It shows you how much someone can value other people's lives. I'm sure many people just ran the other way and thought every man for themselves. Welles has shown me how to have honor and courage and what it means to actually die doing something that you love. The red bandana is meant to always keep me on my future's path. It stays on my door knob so that every time I open the door I know that I should never wander off that path. :)
ReplyDeleteNat <3
Period 4
This video got me close to crying and i dont usually cry. It was very brave of him to go up there and save all the people he could save. The thing that broke my heart the most was that right before he was going to escape with everyone he saved the building collapsed. What Welles did will be in everyones heart forever. The story goes on.
ReplyDeletePeriod-3 by Veronica Robinson
This video showed me how a person can really rise to the occasion. Welles was deterimined to accomplish his dream and to help as many people as possible, and I admire that determination. I have been wearing my red strip around my wrist in order to serve as a constant reminder that you can accomplish anything if you are determined. I intend to recover as quickly as possible from my surgery even if it means going through difficult physical therapy. I am also determined to stay on task with my work and not fall behind.
ReplyDeleteI still can’t get myself together and tell this story to my family since every time I try to memories come back to me, memories I don’t want to remember, at least not yet. Not for the fact of what happened to him because what he did took so much courage and was a decision he choose which should not be cried over, but because of someone great in my life whom also carried a handkerchief with him at all times and is no longer by my side. Furthermore, Welles reminded me to never give up on what you desire in life because not only is it short but unpredictable. I'll always carry with me the red bandana in great honor to Welles.
ReplyDeleteThanks MC2R for showing me this video, I shall never forget it :)