Thursday, September 1, 2011


All classes will need to do vocab cards for their new set of words (see the bottom of this post). Print a few copies of the cards then fill them out appropriately, cut them, and paperclip them. You can print pictures to glue onto the cards, or you can draw your own. The key is that you find an image that helps you remember the word...not the first one to show up on Google images. In addition, all boxes MUST be completed...and your sentences must contain some kind of context clue (also, be sure to use the word in the correct part of speech). There is no need to do cards for the ROOTS or PREFIXES. This assignment will be due Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on which day we see you!

English II Classes:
CLICK HERE to access your new list of vocab words, as well as the review activities! In addition to the vocab assignment, be sure to complete your RPA and one session of Reading Plus before Tuesday or Wednesday. Remember to do all Reading Plus sessions in a quiet spot...and be sure to allow 45 minutes to complete a session. Once you see a red, yellow and green chart, you are finished with one session.

AP Classes:
CLICK HERE to access your new list of words, as well as the flashcard/memory activities. Not only do you need to do your vocab cards, you also need to create a final draft of your bio poem. You can handwrite it or you can type it. Regardless, I want to see colorful and decorative pieces that symbolize you! Add graphics, texture, or photos if you want! I will also be looking for ALIVE words (none of this "sad" or "mad" nonsense), as well as correct grammar and spelling. BE CREATIVE AND HAVE FUN! I will try and post my own sample soon. Oh, if you did not finish your Diagnostic Test, please do so this weekend! No help from a dictionary, classmate or search engine. It's NOT A GRADE; I just want to see where you are, what we need to do, and how I need to plan for the year. Lastly, be sure to do the poll that will be listed on the left. We will post it sometime tonight.

Vocab cards
View more documents from cnoel14


  1. Hey! I was wondering what RPA stands for ....? thank you :-)

  2. Thank you Mrs. R :) Awesome organization!

    Daney D.
    Period 1

  3. RPA is like a pre-test before you start reading plus to see where you're at. :)

  4. :D hi hi! This is Angel from your 6th period, i followed your blog, and then shortly after i read that it was extra credit form before..... does it count???

  5. It still counts, Angel! You're good; no worries :) Be sure, however, to capitalize the pronoun "I".

    SMILE:) Thanks, ladies, for helping me out with the RPA thing!

  6. He he, thank you! :) It's a bad habit of mine... I will work on it. Have a great, long, weekend! XD :0)

  7. Hi, Its Jessica from 1st period. I was just wondering if I'm the only one having trouble printing this?

  8. Hey! I tried logging into my Reading Plus, but when I click start to do PAVE the page just goes blank and doesn't go on. And when I refresh the page it signs me out saying there was an error. What do I do??
