Thursday, January 12, 2012

Periods 3 & 5

If you do two Reading Plus sessions per day (today, tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and Monday), you will be able to replace some missed sessions from previous weeks.  NO EXCUSES!  Get it done!

Remember that we are reading chapters 7-12 for Tuesday, and your job is to find ONE vocab word at work in the group of chapters (does not have to be in the chapters; just find an example of one of the words at work), one lit tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), one syntax tool (include the tool, the quote and page number), a title that you would give the six chapters combined (a brief explanation of your choice), and your favorite quote and an explanation why it's your fave. You are not doing these tasks for each of the chapters; you are doing this once for  the six combined.

You need post it on the blog.   Remember, you cannot post the same lit tool with the same quote.  You all repeat quotes and lit tools, but not when the lit tool AND the quote are the same.

You must do this by Monday night at 11 p.m.  Be sure to include your first name, last INITIAL, and your period number at the end of your post.

Love you!


  1. Hey guys,
    Just wanna say that no homework's been posted on the blog, and i'm wondering if there is any... though i think i should be taking this as a blessing, huh XD

    Angel Pardillo
    Period 6

    1. Is there any homework? Ms. Curbelo told us that she'd put it on the blog but its not here...-.-"
      Pd. 1
      Alexandra Chirino

  2. Dayalin I. Period 5

    Vocabulary word in action:
    Chastise (Pg 81) "After that night, Jody moved his things and slept in a room downstairs. He didn't really hate Janie, but he wanted her to think so."

    Lit. Tool:
    Personification (Pg 74) "The years took the fight out of Janie's face."

    Syntax tool:
    Isocolon/Running style (Pg 88) " Finish. End. Nevermore. Darkness. Deep hole. Dissolution. Eternity. Weeping and wailing outside."

    Title: The Truth: A Painful Healer
    The reason I would give this title to these chapters is because from the moment Janie stands up for herself on pg 78 to the moment she confronts Jody before he dies, the truth of what she is left with begins to mold her oppressed personality. For instance, she grows to be independent, ignoring the countless suitors that come to her by the dozen, until she meets Tea Cake, who begins to do the things Jody never did: appreciate her for who she was. In accepting that her relationship with Jody was to stay broken was painful, as demonstrated in page 88 when she delves into the aspects of his death. However, she also embraces her relationship with Tea Cake and as readers, we can see how slowly but surely, she is healing and giving herself more recognition. This can be displayed when she stares at her eyes and other body features that Tea Cake praised long after he left, showing us how she is finally noticing who she really is and what she can be worth despite any oppression.

    Favorite Quote (Pg 78):
    "Stop mixin' up mah doings wid mah looks Jody. When you git through telling me how tuh cut uh plug uh tobacco, then you kin tell me whether mah behind is on straight or not." This is my favorite quote out of all the chapters because it is the sparks of growth, in my opinion, that we finally start to see from Janie's long-oppressed personality. I love that she is finally standing up for herself and throughout the rest of the chapters, you can see how she is finally having a say in what she believes she deserves.

  3. Vocabulary Word:
    Commiserate: "Tuh think Ah been wid Jody for twenty yeahs and Ah just now got tuh bear tuh uh poisonin' him! It's 'bout to kill me,Pheoby. Sorrow dogged by sorrow is in mah heart." (Pg. 83)

    Literary Tool:
    Simile: "His prosperous-looking belly that used to thrust out so pugnaciously and intimidate folks, sagged like a load suspended from his loins." (Pg. 77)

    Syntax Tool:
    Chiasmus: "You changes everything but nothin' don't change you-not even death." (Pg. 86)

    Title: The Unexpected Always Happens
    The reason I gave this title to the chapters was because most of the senarios in the chapters were unexpected if you think about out. Who would have ever thought that Jody was going to die? He became to change and got ill, losing a little bit of life day by day. And then Jody dies. After Jody's death, Janie gains more freedom and while that happens she said she is not planning on getting married anymore. But the unexpected always happens and there walks in Tea Cake and basically sweeps her off her feet. Then a few months later, they decide to get married because she finally is going to live her life like she wanted to instead of her grandmother's. Life is never what it seems and things always catch you by surprise but you just have to be ready, enjoy the ride, and make the best out of it.

    Favorite Quote:
    "She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair. The weight, the length, the glory was there. She took careful stock of herself, then combed her hair and tied it back up again" (Pg. 87) This was my favorite quote from the chapters because whenI read it I immediately thought of Scarlet Letter when Hester threw away the scarlet letter and let down her hair. Janie was doing the same thing and there is a sigh of relief in her since it has been a while since she has her hair down. Then she ties up her hair again because she knew that's what people wanted to see and pronounces that Jody is dead. As in Scarlet Letter, Hester tied up her hair again and put the scarlet letter because that's how Pearl always seen her mother and didn't want anything to change.

    Diana S. Period# 5

  4. Vocabulary word at work:
    - contemptuous: "He had always been scornful of root-doctors..." (pp. 81-82)
    Literary Tool:
    - oxymoron: "--going straight by walking crooked." (p. 112)
    Syntax Tool:
    - em dash: "You changes everything but nothin' don't change you--not even death." (p. 86)
    Title for 6 Chapts:
    "Dead Dominance; Live Freedom"
    - I chose this title for these 6 chapters because throught these chapters the main, central idea is Janie's independence aquired from Jody's death. The first few chapters discuss how Jody is very ill and does not want Janie to attend him, but she does all the tasks he's unable to do, giving her a sense of freedom - until he finally dies. The continuing chapters relate to how Janie gains complete independence from Jody's death. She destroys (burns) the rags she had to tie up her hair, and lets her hair loose - symbolizing freedom. Janie even begins dating a young man named Vergible Woods (Tea Cake) who teaches her how to play checkers and various other games.
    Favorite Quote:
    - "To my thinkin'mourning oughtn't tuh last longer'n grief." (p. 93)
    - This became my favorite quote because Janie is stating she has no need to cry over what she does not suffer. She's indirectly showing that she has no more love for the man who did not love her (Joe -Jody- Starks).
    Adrian A. Period# 03

  5. Vocabulary Word- Coquetry: "Tea Cake! So you sweet as all dat?" She laughed and he gave her a little cut-eye look to get her meaning. "Ah may be guilty. You better try me and see. (Pg. 97)

    Literary Tool- Imagery: "He could be a bee to a blossom – a pear tree blossom in the spring. He seemed to be crushing scent out of the world with his footsteps. Crushing aromatic herbs with every step he took. Spices hung about him. He was a glance from God." (Pg.106)

    Syntax Tool- Polysyndeton: "He did not return that night nor the next and so she plunged into the abyss and descended to the ninth darkness where light has never been." (Pg.108)

    Title: "The Turning Page"
    I believe this is the title I would choose for the six chapters overall, because they represent the radical change that Janie's life is going through. Now that her husband was gone, it didn't mean that her life was going to end as well. Life keeps on going and she had to as well. After his death, a variety of new and unexpected things occur, which symbolize a new page in Janie's story (her life).

    Favorite Quote: "You got de keys to de kingdom." (Pg.109) This quote is personally my favorite, because it displays a sincere Tea Cake sharing his true emotions with Janie. I liked how he finally confesses to her that she is the one and only who can control his feelings, allowing her to find the certainty she had been longing for all along. I also enjoyed this quote the most because it demonstrates the sweet and kind way that Tea Cake expresses himself towards Janie, showing how he truly does love her.

  6. Vocab word: Privy-"Good evenin', Mis' Starks," he said with a sly grin as if they had a joke together." Pg.94

    Lit tool: Similie-"Then Joe Starks realized all the meanings and his vanity bled like a flood." Pg.79

    Syntax: "Ready with his grin! She adored him and hated him at the same time." Pg.108

    Title: When One Door Closes Another Opens
    The reason why I would choose this title for all these chapters is because many events happened that ended that chapter in her life for example, Jody dying. The door closed on that relationship but another door opened; the one that gives her the opportunity to build new relationships like the one with Tea Cake. It also opened the door to her being who she wants. no more being told what to do and ridiculed by Jody.

    Fav quote: "The man, he made him out of stuff that sung all the time and glittered all over. Then after that some angels got jealous and chopped him into pieces, but still he glittered and hummed. So they beat him down to nothing but sparks but each little spark had a shine and a song. So they covered each one over with mud. And they lonesomeness in the sparks make them hunt for one another, but the mud is deaf and dumb. Like all the other tumbling mud-balls, Janie had tried to show her shine." Pg.90. This is my favorite quote because Janie is like that. She has a strong determination to show her shine. No matter how many times she's been put down she picks herself up, especially during these chapters. Like, when Joe criticized her in the shop saying her rump was hanging nearly to her knees, she defended herself and stood up for herself in front of everyone at that store. I believe her spark is starting to shine more and more and the dirt is finally starting to wash away.

  7. Vocabulary Word:
    -Temerity: “Stop mixin’ up mah doings wid mah looks, Jody. When you git through tellin’ me how tuh cut uh plug uh tobacco, then you kin tell me whether mah behind is on straight or not.” (Pg. 78)

    Literary Tool:
    -Allusion: “Ah’m de Apostle Paul tuh de Gentiles. Ah tells ‘em and then agin Ah shows ‘em.” (Pg. 104)

    Syntax Tool:
    -Oxymoron: “You heard her, you ain’t blind” (Pg. 79)

    Title: “My way. Not the Highway”
    I would give this title to the six chapters because after Jody died, Janie was able to get off this “highway” that she was forced on to where her thoughts never mattered. Once off, she was able to do things her way. She didn’t have to do them her grandmothers’ way or some mans way. She was able to do as she pleased and talk to whomever she wanted to.

    Favorite Quote:
    “Ah done lived my Grandma’s way, now Ah means tuh live mine.” (Pg. 114)
    This was my favorite quote because Janie is finally able to express herself as she pleases and she can do what makes her happy. Janie can now pick her own man and with Tea Cake, she is encouraged to speak her mind so she can do what she wants. She no longer has to listen to someone else and follow the way they want her to live.
    Ivan C. Period 5

  8. Vocabulary Word- Languid: "Weak-looking but sharp-pointed about the eyes. Through the thin counterpane she could see what was left on his belly huddled before him like some helpless thing seeking shelter."(pg.85)

    Literaly Tool- Metaphor: "Rumor,that wingless bird, had shadowed over the town". (pg.84)

    Syntax Tool- Polsyndeton: "After a long time of passive happiness,she got up and opened the window and let Tea Cake leap forth and mounted to the sky on a wind."(pg.107)

    Title: "A Voice Of My Own Has Finally Awoken"
    The reason why I chosen this title for all six chapters because all this time Janie has allowed people to take control of her. First was her grandmother making decision for her,then Logan treating her like a slave, and finally with Jody stealing her voice becuase his voice overpowers hers. She has a voice dormanted inside of her like no other. When she confronted Jody,the voice that has been oppressed all this time was finally release. Now she can freely express herself and say what she pleases. A voice of her every own is the gate way to her independence. A independence she has longed for and with it she con truely be free.

    Favorite Quote: ".....Ah done lived Grandma's way, now Ah means tuh live mines."(Pg.114)
    This my favorite quote because now she is marrying out of love the way she wanted to do in the first place but her grandmother destroyed that dream. Marrying Logan was her grandmother's decision that she followed becuase she believed her grandmother's was doing whats best for. But what was best for her is only something she can truely decide for herself. Now shes going to marry Tea Cake and its a decision that mostly like wouldn't please her grandmother but it doesn't matter because it makes her happy.

  9. Vocab word: Irksome-"T'ain't no use in gettin' all mad, Janie, 'cause Ah mention you ain't no young gal no mo'. Nobody in heah ain't lookin' for no wife outa yuh. Old as you is." (pg.79)

    Literary Tool: Simile-"Ah sho hopes you ain't lak uh possum..." (pg. 113)

    Syntax: Anaphora-"Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies." (pg.110)

    Title: "Courage and Freedom Blossom"
    Janie is still controlled and humiliated by Jody, eventually karma kills him, liberating her. She then transforms into a new woman who enjoys having the freedom to live the way she wants to and she has the courage to tell other men that were after her, "NO".

    Favorite Quote:
    "Can't no ole man stop me from gittin' no ship for yuh if dat's whut yuh want." (pg.101)
    From the beginning of their relationship Tea Cake was hinting at Janie that he would do anything for her no matter how big and small and nothing would be an obstacle. This was also his way of trying to win her over, which was much more romantic compared to Jody's fake words about making her his wife and never making her work. This goes to show that Tea Cake is willing to do whatever it takes to keep a smile on her face.

    Melisa S. Period 5

  10. Stephanie Cervino
    Period 5

    Vocabulary @ Work:
    1)contemptuous: "He had always been scornful of root-doctors..." (Pg.81)

    Syntax Tool:
    2)Oxymoron: “You heard her, you ain’t blind” (Pg. 79)

    Lit. Tool:
    3)Metaphor: "She was a rut in the road" (Pg.76)

    Title: "Freedom at Last!"
    From the beginning of the chapters Janie was very mistreated by her husband Jody. She was humiliated and beat down emotionally by him. But as many people say, what goes around comes back around. His karma was so high that he got the worst fate of all. He then dies, and Janie is finally free from the beast. Janie has now accumulated this new bound freedom and she doesn't plan on letting anyone remove it. She is now able to speak about what she wants to say. She lets every man know that she will not let herself easily be fooled and deceived like she was by Jody.

    Favorite Quote:"But she mostly lived between her hat and her heels, with her emotional disturbances like shade patterns in the woods-- come and gone with the sun."
    From the beginning of the chapter Janie would always have to do whatever Jody decided. She was never able to voice her own opinion. She had to do whatever Jody said and that was final. She would have to wear her hair up because of the men who liked her hair. Janie was never really able to voice her emotions let alone speak in public around Jody. She could never say how she felt about things. But once Jody died, she did the unthinkable, she did what nobody thought she would. She spoke out to the people.

    Commiserate- “she was full of pity for the first time in years. Jody had been hard on her and others but life had mis-handled him too.”
    Personification- “Most of the day she was at the store, but at night she was there in the big house and sometimes it creaked and cried all night under the weight of lonesomeness.” (pg. 139 Chapter 9 towards the beginning )
    Asyndeton- “The weight, the length, the glory was there” pg. 136 (Chapter 8 towards the end)
    “Its Me For The First Time”
    I choice this title because after Joes death, Janie finally realized she needed to let her hair down and be a women again. She didn’t want just any husband she want ed to find the man of her dreams. The one she has been dreaming of since she was little. When she is all-alone with no man she has finally become herself and doesn’t have to listen to no man. When she meets Tea Cake, he has awoken her inner child and brought it out. She is since with blue clothing and looking beautiful, looking different then before. She is herself now and will not change that.
    “Seemed as if she had known him all her life. Look how she had been able to talk with him right off!” This is my favorite quote because this is when she realizes that Tea Cake could be the man she was waiting for, the man of her dreams. She was amazed at how easy she was able to talk to him when he came in the store. How she felt she knew him her whole life what she had said about her dream man that she knows him and he is somewhere out there.

    Tiffany C
    Period 5

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Vocabulary Word
    Confidante - “But Ah ain’t puttin’ it in de street. Ah’m tellin’ you.” … “Oh, Ah you know you don’t talk.”

    Literary tool:
    Synecdoche - “People he never bothered with one way or another now seemed to have his ear.” Page # 81

    Ad hominem - “You big-bellies round here and put out a lot of brag, but ‘tain’t nothin’ to it but yo’ big voice. Humph! Talkin’ ‘bout ME lookin’ old! When you pull down yo’ britches, you look lak de change uh life.” Page # 79

    You Only Have One Lifetime To Live Your Life
    I believe this would be a perfect title for these six chapters because you see her, little by little changing into this free person. She finally get to experience total freedom when Jody dies. The first time she lets her hair down right after Jody’s death and the burning of the hair rags symbolize her freedom. She has been in a gleeful mood ever since her husband’s death and she could finally be herself. She doesn’t even want to be a
    relationship since she knows she won’t be as free and that she knows and does not care for the feeling anymore. Until she meets Tea Cake and has the “bee to a blossom” feeling all over again at which she’s careful but then she gets rid of the safety net and even plans to run away with Tea Cake and go on to live their lives together.

    Favorite Quote:
    “She could not make him look just like any other man to her.”
    The day after he leaves from Janie’s house, Janie did everything possible to forget him and even belittles him in her mind, but whatever she did nothing worked, she wasn’t able to look at him like like an ordinary man because he wasn’t he meant to so much to her. No matter what she did she knew she couldn't deny love.

    - Dalyn V.
    Period 3

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Vocabulary Word
    Languid-"Joe wasn't so young as he used to be. There was already something dead about him" (pg.91)

    Literary Tool
    Allusion-"Great God from Zion!" (pg.94)

    Assonance-"Been standing there before there was a where or a when or a then."(pg.99)

    Title "Its Never too Late."
    The reason for this title is because even though Janie lost Joe in a not-so-young age, she decided that she can still live out her life how she seems right. She decides that just because shes been living her oppressed life for a grand portion of her marriage, she can still turn things around, despite her age. Even so, she starts pursuing her childhood dream of finding love, and thats where Tea Cake comes in. She knows its never too late to follow your dreams and its about time she started following hers.

    Quote "Then it rose high like pulling in a trombone." I like this quote because I find it kind of witty how Hurston compared a trombone to Joe's feelings. When you pull in a trombone slide, the pitch ascends drastically, the same way a "week sob" turned into a desperate cry.

    Marco F. Period 5

  16. 1.) Lit tool: Similie-"Then Joe Starks realized all the meanings and his vanity bled like a flood." Pg.79

    2.) Syntax tool: Isocolon/Running style (Pg 88) Nevermore,Darkness,Deep hole,Dissolution,Eternity, Weeping and wailing outside.

    3.) Titile: Things happen spontaneously
    The reason which I chose this name as the title is because to me in every chapter things happen that seems like spur of the moment. Like jody dying who could have come to expect that he would die and from his death Janie would gain freedom. Or how she herself says that she doesnt ever plan on getting married yet she ends up months later re marring. So to me this describes how things happen and no one knows what comes next if its a tragedy or if its something pleasantly life changing.

    4.) Quote: “To my thinkin'mourning oughtn't tuh last longer'n grief." (p. 93)
    This has to be my favorite quote because it proves how one should not care for those who do not care for you. In the chapter it shows how Janie doesnt cry over what she no longer has. She realizes that she has no love for that man who never loved her. I can somehow relate this quote to me and understand that one should not suffer for someone who isn’t worth it.

    (Villalobos period 3)

  17. Syntax Tool
    Apostrophe- "So Janie began to think of Death. Death, that strange being with the huge square toes who lived way in the west." (pg 84)

    Vocabulary Word
    Pugnacious- "His prosperous-looking belly used to thrust out so pugnaciously and intimidate folks" (pg 77)

    Literary Tool
    Personification- "Most of the day she was at the store, but at night she was there in the big house and sometimes it creaked and cried all night under the weight of lonesomeness. (pg 89)

    Title "Bipolar Flow"
    It's difficult to come up with a title that can properly represent the multiple faucets of development featured within these chapters so it can best be explained as a flow of contrasting and diverse situations. Janie finds herself in sour confrontations with sexism at the outset. The rest of the chapters bring the story to a more level-headed pace, complete with deep thoughts by each character and plenty of detailed descriptions.

    Fave Quote
    "She sat on the porch and watched the moon rise.Soon, its amber fluid was drenching the earth and quenching the thirst of the day."

    No complex reasons here. Its just excellent writing with a nice touch of personification and metonymy.

  18. Vocab Word: Conjecture
    "Tea Cake can’t do nothin’ but help her spend whut she got. Ah reckon dat’s whut he’s after." (pg. 111)

    Lit Tool: Personification
    "And Ah’d sit dere wid the walls creepin’ up on me and seqeezin’ all de life outa me." (pg. 112)

    Syntax: Anaphora
    "He wouldn’t let her get him any breakfast at all. He wanted her to get her rest. He made her stay were she was." (pg. 107)

    Title: Janie’s Renaissance
    Renaissance means rebirth. And I really do believe that these chapters encompass Janie’s rebirth. After living twenty years under an oppressive hand and intangible muzzle, Janie finally feels free. This newly found freedom and independence is like new, sun-bathed life to her. She feels bliss for the first time in a long time. She has a new love being born as well. Tea Cake brings her joys and experiences that she has missed all these years. He has taken her to new heights, both literally and emotionally.

    Fav Quote: "What need has Death for a cover, and what winds can blow against him?" (pg. 84)
    This is my favorite quote from the chapters we have read because it is a beautifully presented aphorism. Death is more than an idea or an incident, it is almost a person. Hurston mentions Death living in a house way out West, to point out how far away Death always seems to people. But in reality, he can approach in the blink of an eye. He is unstoppable, a force that cannot be dealt with. I love the way Hurston stresses this, by personifying him in a house without sides and without a roof. No winds can blow against him and nothing from the sky can tarnish him. This quote is almost unsettling, but powerfully true.

    -Alejandra M P.3

  19. Vocabulary Wordd:
    -Privy: "Sh-sh-sh! Don't let nobody hear you say dat, Janie. Folks will say you ain't sorry he's gone." (pg.93)

    Literary Tool:
    -Similie: "But even these things were running down like candle grease as time moved on." (pg.81)

    -Anaphora:"Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies." (pg.110)

    - 'Before the rainbow comes the rain.'
    Before every pretty day there was a storm on the previous day to bring such joy to follow. Regarding these chapters, Janie had to go through hell to be able to live the way she wished. When Joe was alive she was a bird trapped in a cage, with restrains to do as she pleased. Now that Joe has passed away Janie feels as if she now can live the life she has always wanted with no one holding her back. Along with that Tea Cake appears out of the blue into her life giving her thrills to continue to live young and free again.

    Favorite Quote:
    "Ah done thought all da and tried tuh struggle aginst it, but it don't do me no good. De thought uh mah youngness don't satisfy me lak yo' presence do." (pa.105)
    This is my favorite quote because Janie needed someone that needed her for who she was. Tea Cake has come into her life offering her nothing but his soul, company, and love. As Tea Cake said this quote in chapter 11, my cheeks grew because of how happy it must have felt to have been Janie and hear those words after so long. Because of the happiness this must have brought Janie it is my favorite quote within these chapters.

    *Natalie R P.3

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Vocab:
    Pugnacious- "I god amighty! A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still can't cut a little thing like a plug of tobacco! Don't stand dere rollin' yo' pop eyes at me wid yo' rump hangin' nearly to yo' knees!" pg.78

    lit tool:
    metaphor- "He could be a bee to a blossom-a pear tree blossom in the spring" pg.106

    parallelism- "He wouldn't let her get him any breakfast at all. He wanted her to get her rest. He made her stay where she was." pg.107

    title: "Once something is dead and gone, start all over again."
    I chose this title because even though Joe died it doesn't mean that she cannot start with Tea Cake and everybody that is accusing her for being a horrible person, because she is not mourning anymore, has no right, because she cannot mourn forever. On the other hand, Joe didn't even treat her that well for her to be mourning so much.

    Favorite quote:
    "Ah'm born but Ah ain't dead." pg.106
    This is my favorite because it shows that even if you are old does not mean that you have to limit yourself, if you are able to do it, talking about health wise, then do it!

    Jennifer A.
    period 3

  22. Vocab word:
    BRAZEN - "You changes everything but nothin' don't change you-not even death." pg.86
    Lit. tool:
    Allusion- "It always changes folks, and ... brings out dirt and meanness dat even de person didn't know they had in 'em theyselves." pg. 113
    Syntax tool:
    Parallelism- "Finish. End. Nevermore. Darkness. Deep hole. Dissolution. Eternity." pg.88

    Title: "Time to move on"
    It is now, that she is a grown woman, that she does everything her way. She knows she deserves better and has to let her shine out which had been hidden by Nanny's over protectiveness, and Joe cutting her off every time she tried to do something, as if she was this beautiful bird in a cage that only pertained to him; as if she was his property. Now that he's dead, she has finally removed the heavy chains that had kept her from her freedom. Janie is back!

    Fave Quote:
    "She hated the old woman who had twisted her so in the name of love." pg.89
    *Nanny had manipulated Janie however she pleased and her excuse had been "I want you to be protected", without realizing that she was killing Janie's dreams. Janie was now over that spell and was brave enough to cry out loud her hatred. She removed the handcuffs that had kept her from following her dreams. I love her courage!

    Cindel P.
    period 3

  23. 1. Vocabulary Word:
    Fractious - "I god almighty! A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still can't cut a little thing like a plug of tobacco! Don't stand dere rollin' yo' pop eyes at me wid yo' rump hangin' nearly to yo' knees!" (pg.78)

    2. Literary Tool:
    Simile - "But she had been whipped like a cur dog, and run off down a back road after things. (pg.89)

    3. Syntax Tool:
    Anaphora - "You oughta throw somethin' over yo' shoulders befo' you go outside. You ain't no young pullet no mo'. You uh ole hen now." (pg. 77)

    4. Title:
    Freedom is the Key to Happiness - From the beginning of the book, Janie has been told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. In these chapters, she's finally given the freedom to do what she pleases, and because of this she has finally found happiness.

    5. Favorite Quote:
    "De world picked out black and white for mournin', Joe didn't. So Ah wasn't wearin' it for him. Ah was wearin' it for de rest of y'all." (pg.113) - This quote was my favorite of the chapters because I feel like most people do things for other people or because of other people and that shouldn't be the reason why. You should do something because YOU want to, not because others expect you to. I also liked it because since the beginning of the book I've felt that Janie has only done what people want her to, so I was glad to see that she finally realized that and began to change.

    Megan M.
    Period 3

  24. vocabulary:fractious-"you heard her, you ain't blind. pg.79

    lit tool: personification, The years took all the fight out of Janie's face. pg.76

    syntax: anaphora, Ah ain't no young gal no mo' but den ah ain't no old women neither. Ah reckon Ah looks mah age. pg.79

    title: May freedom bring bliss! and in my opinion i feel asthough with jody gone janie with have a more peaceful life style with out her dictator at her side i just feel that she was told what to do this whole book and now that he has been put to rest things will change for her in a blissful way.

    qoute: "Ah'm born but Ah ain't dead!" pg106
    I felt this qoute meant alot because too me it was say not to limit yourself and to try everthing you are capable to do.

    jackelyn ochoa period 3

  25. 1. Lit Tool: Simile-"But mostly she lived between her hat and her heels, with her emotional disturbances like shade patterns in the woods-come and gone with the sun" Pg. 76

    2. Syntax Tool: Anaphora-"Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Teak Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies." Pg. 110

    3. Vocabulary Word: Fractious-"It was after the picnic that the town began to notice things and got mad. Tea Cake and Mrs. Mayor Starks! All the men that she could get, and fooling around with someone like Tea Cake!"

    4. Title: "A new beginning much needed as wanted"
    Janie's new beginning starts at the beginning of the chapters with Jody's death. It continues on when she meets Tea Cake, that is actually the kind of man that she always dreamed of being with but in order to please her Grandma settled for the things she was told to settle for. Now, Janie is finally doing things the way she wants and starting new the way she wants to. Though to town doesn't approve of her new love interest, she couldn't care any less. She is doing exactly what she wants and even plans on moving away with Tea Cake and marrying him. It's also a beginning that she needed. Because after being miserable for almost a decade of her life, she is now genuinely happy.

    5. Favorite Quote:"But the stillness was the sleep of swords." Pg. 81
    The reason this quote is my favorite from all of the chapters is because I feel it's the most true. Silence, like stillness, between two people usually isn't because everything is at peace and harmony. Stillness is usually occurring because the "swords" are put away for some time but not because there aren't any wounds to come to light. I have experienced this before and I feel just like that. I feel like I am only so calm and all because it is a way to mask the hurt and the anger, but the calmness is what lets me know that there is still something wrong at play. The same situation is taking placing with Janie and Jody in the book. So it was nice to personally relate to the way Janie is feeling.

  26. for my number 3 the page number is pg. 110.
    Yvana Vasquez
    Per. 3

  27. Vocabulary Word: Brazen
    "You ain't been used tuh knockin' round and doin' fuh yo'self, Mis' Starks. You been well taken keer of, you needs uh man." (Page 107)

    Literary Tool: Anaphora
    "Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies. Tea Cake and Janie gone to a dance." (Page 130)

    "So in the beginnin' new thoughts had tuh be thought and new words said" (Page 135)

    Title: The End to a New Beginning
    -Chapters 7-12 showed the readers what Janie's life was like with Joe and without. With Joe, she had to tie up her hair and couldn't do the activities other people would be doing for fear of belittling herself. She even stayed with him after he hit her for wanting to see the mule. After Joe's death, one of the first things she did was burn her hair ties and have her hair braided down her back. In these chapters she's free to do her bidding. For instance, she can run the store at her hours and talk to whomever she wants. Janie may have loved Joe when he was alive, but since they moved to the all-black community, he's been obsessed with his power for hunger. Joe's death brought an end to his life, but brought Janie a new beginning.

    Favorite Quote:
    "Some of dese mornin's and it won't be long, you goin tuh wake up callin' me and Ah'll be gone" (Page 135)
    -The all-black community is just like any other, they gossip. If a person buys something unfamiliar it immediately means their going against God or society. Since Tea Cake is younger than Janie, people talk a lot more. In this scene, Janie's telling Pheoby that she doesn't care what people think and that no one can stand in the way of their marriage. Hurston shows that not all people are conformists.

    Marilyn E
    Period 5

  28. Vocab Word: Temerity- "You big-bellies round here and put out a lot of brag, 'tain't nothin' to it but yo' big voice. Humph! Talkin' bout me lookin' old!" (Pg. 79)

    Lit tool: Similie- "It was like a drug." (Pg.76)

    Syntax: Asyndeton- "The more people in there the more ridicule he poured over her body to point attention away from his own."

    Title: La Liberté- This means freedom in French. Why I picked the word freedom is because Janie has never had the freedom to do and say as she pleases. Someone has constantly been there instructing her and demanding her. Jody held her back and was completely unfair. The fact that she was a woman also was a factor that restrained her from doing and saying the things that she pleased. From chapters 7-12 She receives that freedom and along with that happiness. She receives the freedom that she had been craving for so long.

    Favorite Quote: "Ah' wouldn't do one thing tuh hurt nobody. It's too underhand and mean." - I am completely in love with this quote because it reminds me so much of myself. I think it's sick when people to do things to purposely hurt others. We should all try our best to get along with each other and live in peace. I know that's all a dream but,it's mean to hurt others. You never know how much the things you say or do can affect someone else's life.

    Rhyisa A.
    Period 5

  29. Vocabulary: confidant
    Pg. 114 - "Ah jus lak uh chicken. Chicken drink water, but he don't pee-pee."

    Lit. Tool: Metaphor
    Pg. 76 - "she was a rut in the road"

    Syntax: Paradox
    Pg. 112 - "going straight by walking crooked"

    Title: Janie's Awakening
    I would collectively call these chapters "Janie's Awakening" because I feel like she realizes what she wants now. Before, Janie was jaded into what Nanny wanted and all while, she was lost as to what her dreams consisted of. Janie was always told to get on the "high chair" no matter what the cost was and she didn't have time to argue. But, in these chapters after Jody dies and she is able to be free, she realizes what she really desires and is able to finally live HER life.

    Favourite Quote: "But the stillness was the sleep of swords"
    This is my favourite quote in these chapters because it really summarizes Janie's relationship with Jody. They would never talk to each other after she embarrasses him in the shop but without saying a word, us readers can feel the lows of their relationship and foreshadow that their marriage would not last long. Swords are powerful weapons intended to hurt and the in a instant, their relationship can fall apart.

    Tiffany Lam // Period 3

  30. VOCAB WORD-COMMISERATE- "She was full of pity for the first time in years". pg 87. This quote refers to the moment when Jody gets extremely sick and Janie is told that he will die soon of kidney disease. Even though he didn’t treat her that well the past years and she was not happy next him, she was pitiful about his condition, and of course she never wished that to happen.

    LIT TOOL- SIMILE- "She felt like a child breaking rules".pg.102- Janie felt that it wasn’t appropriate to go fishing late at night with Tea Cake.

    SYNTAX TOOL-ANAPHORA- "Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to a dance". Pg 110 .This anaphora is used to emphasize the fact that Tea Cake and Janie were always together and that they shared every moment of their lives.

    TITLE-"Life is unexpectable"- I choose this title because during these chapters Janie's life changes from every angle. First she confronts Jody's death. Then she is alone but rich. Then she meets a wonderful guy Tea Cake that makes her feel alive again, but she sells the store and her financial support is gone. I bet she never expected Jody's death, because he was young and used to be a tough guy and the way ended up wasn’t likely at all. Neither she thought of getting married one more time, and living a crazy life full of adventures with a younger man. Let’s not even mention the selling of the store where she worked hard so many years and she was completely unhappy for a long ,long time. Even though deep inside Janie wished to be happy, never projected so many changes.

    FAVORITE QUOTE- "It feels just like underneath a dove's wing next to my face" Page 103. Tea cake uses this quote to describe Janie's hair, saying how soft, beautiful it was and how he loved to put his fingers in her hair.

    Dianela Silva P-3

  31. VOCABULARY- Coquetry pg. 98 "He turned and threw his hat at her feet. 'If she don't throw it at me, Ah'll take a chance on comin' back'"
    LITERARY TOOL- Metaphor pg. 106 "He looked like the love thoughts of woman. He could be a bee to a blossom-a pear tree blossom in the spring."
    SYNTAX- Parallelism pg. 86 "You change everything but nothin' don't change you-not even death."
    TITTLE- "Second Chances" I chose this tittle for these six chapters because it proves that everything deserves a second chance. She gave Joe a second chance after how he treated her at the store. She went to his dying bed to try to reconcile before he died. Also, she gave a second chance at being alone, she never really has been alone. She has either been under the love and care of Grandma, or the love and care of Logan, or Joe. Lastly, she gave a second chance at love. She said she was done with it, but when she met Tea Cake, he wasn't like her past two relationships.
    FAVORITE QUOTE- pg. 78 "It was funny if you looked at it right quick, but it got pitiful if you thought about it awhile" This is my favorite quote from all the chapters because I can relate to it. In many miniature situations I've blown out of proportions, its been because I over think it. This quote is saying if you think something to much you'll find the negative, but if you overview it you wont have time to view it negative. Almost as if you wont get the full effect which in some cases is a good thing,

    Jessika M. P-5

  32. - Vocabulary word: Coquetry
    - Word at work: Throughout most of chapter 10, it is obvious that Janie and Tea Cake are flirting with each other. She spent the entire conversation laughing at his attempts to charm her. He made the effort to spend as much time with her as he could. I considered leaving the two alone more than once.

    - Literary tool: Apostrophe
    - Quote: "Then she'd lie awake in bed asking lonesomeness some questions."
    - Page number: page 89

    - Syntax tool: Anaphora
    - Quote: "I god, you ain't paid for dem last rations you done et up. I god, you won't git no mo' outa dis store than you got money tuh pay for. I god, dis ain't Gimme, Florida, dis is Eatonville."
    - Page number: page 92

    - Title for chapters 7-12: Freedom and all His Friends
    - Explanation: After Joe's death, Janie felt as if a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She no longer had some judgmental and abusive man to answer to. She could do as she liked without being subject to Joe's ridiculous ego and the insecurity that came with it. After 20 years, she could finally once again see the horizon that Nanny had taken from her in her youth.

    - My favorite quote: "She had been getting ready for her great journey to the horizons in search of people; it was important to all the world that she should find them and they find her. But she had been whipped like a cur dog, and run off down a back road after things."
    - Explanation: This was the first time, after nearly 100 pages of book, that I actually found myself becoming one with the literature. This basically sums up Janie's circumstances perfectly. She knew what she wanted from the start, and she would have gone after it if it hadn't been for Nanny. Perhaps it was also due to the fact that at the time, she had been very young and impressionable. The point is, here is where she realizes what was done to her, and now that Joe is dead, she has the courage to move on.

    - Liana R., Period 5
    (WITH TWO AND A HALF HOURS TO SPARE! Thank goodness all that reading and annotating didn't end up being for nothing! :D)

  33. VOCAB WORD- LANGUID: "The more his back ached and his muscle dissolved into fat and the fat melted off his bones" (pg. 78) This shows that now Joe is lacking vigor as he is aging. He's losing his youthful vitality, and is unhappy about it.

    LIT. TOOL- METAPHOR: "They were all so respectful and stiff with her, that she might have been the Empress of Japan." (pg. 92-93) This is a metaphor for not only how the town acted dryly towards Janie as a widow, no one too sure of what to say, but also a metaphor for how respected and revered her husband was. She wasn't looked upon as any regular widow.

    SYNTAX- METONYMY: "Death, that strange being with the huge square toes who lived way in the West" (pg. 84) The metonymy here is in saying that death has huge square toes. What this refers to are grave stones, which are a sort of final definite end to life, therefore, symbolic of death itself.

    TITLE: "Better Late than Never"- Janie was clearly unhappy with Joe, and that took up much of her life, and now that he is gone, she realizes that it isn’t too late to be happy. She makes it obvious that she no longer want’s to live the way Nanny wanted her to live, and now plans to live the way she wants to and be happy.

    FAVORITE QUOTE: “... she received all things with the stolidness of the earth which soaks up urine and perfume with the same indifference” (pg. 77) This is a sad point, when a person is so beaten down that they just don’t have the will to react anymore. As the earth has been abused and taken advantage of for so long and can’t do anything about it, neither can Janie. The greatest thing no one appreciates is our Earth, as Janie was also unappreciated. When someone is really bothered or unhappy by something, they won’t fight and react. They’ll give up, and lose perspective of who they really are.

    Carlos Concepcion // Pd. 3

  34. Vocabulary word in action: Privy- "They caught two or three and got home just before day. Then she had to smuggle Tea cake out by the back gate and made it seem like some great secret she was keeping from the town."- PG.102

    Lit. Tool= METAPHOR
    Pg.81- "But the stillness was the sleep of swords."

    Asyndeton- "Death,that strange being with the huge square toes who lived way in the west.The great one who lived in the straight house like a platform without sides to it, without roof."

    Title: "the Dawn of a new Day" - "Janie had been in a fog for 20 years of her life with Joe.Who slowly but surely came to be nothing near her illusions of a man she'd like him to be.After his death everything was going quite good and better for her, However it was not until Tea Cake came along that she was able to see a glimpse of sparkle, light in her life.

    Favorite Quote; "it was like somebody snatched off part of a woman's clothes while she wasn't looking and the streets were crowded." it was definitely my favorite because it the way Joe put janie out in front of the people who were gathered around the store could of been as abominable as this,great comparison.

    Valerie Perdomo, Period 3.

  35. Amanda H. Period 5

    Vocabulary: Coquetry PG. 108-109 "workin lak uh dawg for two whole weeks-- she come astin' if Ah want her tuh go! Puttin mahself tuh uh whole heap uh trouble tuh..."

    Lit Tool: Simile PG. 108 "Jumped out like a deer."

    Syntax: Anaphora PG. 106 " He could be a bee to a blossom...He seemed to be crushing scent out of this...He was a glance from God."

    Title" The Metamorphosis-- It is readily apparent that Janie is constantly eveolving through out these chapters. Going from a quiet wife to finally standing up for herself to being a mourning widow to letting down the guards and being the free women she's always wanted to be. Jody as well evolves from being Jody to Joe and the well respected powerful young man running the town to the old pitied man that runs the town.

    Favorite Quote: PG. 109 "You got de keys to de kingdom." I like this quote because it is Tea Cakes telling Janie that he cares for her and she holds the key and the power in the relationship. This sentence shows his unselfsh caring for Janie.

  36. Voocabulary Word- coquetry: "jes lak uh lil girl wid her Easter dress on." pg 98
    Lit Tool- Metaphor: She went over to teh dresser and looked hard at her skin and features. pg 87

    Title: Janie's Rebirth- Janie has been almost held captive for about 20 years with Joe. She couldn't say much, was treated like a little child and had to hide her hair. Once Joe died, she set fire to her hair rags and let her hair down.

    Favorite Quote: "Joe Starks didn't know the words for all this, but he knew the feeling. So he struck Janie with all his might and drove her from the store." When people have a sense that their losing control of the situation; they try to regain in any sort of form. Joe felt in control when he made Janie feel less than him and he got the situation under control by hitting her.

    Maria L, Period 3

  37. 1. Vocabulary word
    Confidante- so she went straight to her bosom friend, Pheoby Watson, and told her about it. pg.82
    2. Literary tool
    Simile- But mostly she lived between her hat and her heels, with her emotional disturbances like shade patterns in the woods-come and gone with the She's comparing how Janie's emotion was so closed that it looked like the shade always being there to remind her but pushing them away to not remember them.
    3. Syntax
    Anaphora-She hated her grandmother and had hidden it from herself all these years under a clock of pity. She had been getting reedy for her great journey to the horizons in search of people; it was important to all the world that she should find them and they find her.
    4. Title
    Freedom- chapter 9: She was finally free of being able to do whatever she pleased of. She didnt had to care of no one, look proper or not being able to do what she pleased. She was free from husbands, grandma, and duties. She was her own boss. Janie is a black women with money, properties, and freedom. It wasn't very common that women had rights or power but she did.
    5. Quote
    "Let 'em say whut dey wants tuh, Pheoby. To my thinkin' mourning oughtn'n tuh last longer'n grief."
    She didn't care anymore of what people thought of her or what they say. Janie was a free women and didn't mind of anything or anyone. Janie was rich and independent on every way possible and people was scared of that. She didn't care because she was free and a women with power.

    Maria M. Period 5th

  38. Vocabulary Word: Brazen (Pg. 83)
    -Brazen can be used to describe the situation of Joe Starks lying on his death bed in a separate bedroom and not letting Janie go in to assist him or see him or talk to him, but others that have never even been to the house, can go in to see him. The word continues to be at work when the visiting people don’t regard Janie as Mrs. Starks or anything really and they report to her only when Joe needs someone to tell her something. “Said things like, ‘Mr. Starks need somebody tuh sorta look out for ‘im till he kin git on his feet again and look for hisself.’”

    Lit. Tool: Hyperbole (Pg. 78)
    -“Don’t stand dere rollin’ yo’ pop eyes at me wid yo’ rump hangin’ nearly to yo’ knees!”

    Syntax Tool: Anaphora (Pg. 110)
    -“Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies. Tea Cake and Janie gone to dance.”

    Title: From Servitude to Freedom
    -The reason why I would give such a title to all the chapters combined is because it applies to Janie. Directly, Janie was Joe’s wife, but in indirectly she was his servant. She always did what he wanted and what he said and what he desired. She didn’t speak if he didn’t allow her; he said to pick up her hair, and she picked it up; he said jump, and she jumped. However, once Joe died, she was free. She didn’t have to follow anyone’s orders. She started seeing Tea Cake because that’s what made her happy and she was free to do whatever she wanted with him. She could go fishing with him; she could go home with him; she could go to the movies with him. But most importantly, after Joe died, she was finally able to wear her long, luscious hair however she desired.

    Favorite Quote: “She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair.” (Pg. 87)
    -This quote has to be my absolute favorite because I felt it. I felt the sacks of flour being dropped off her shoulders. I felt the ridicule floating off after being encaged for so long in that kerchief on her head. I felt Janie being enveloped in freedom. This quote merely represents the first step into Janie’s new life. This simple sentence somehow foreshadows to how her life will be changing for the better. Janie’s hair was something that was considered beautiful and for someone to make her hide it from the world is not right.

    Gabrielle M. Period 5

  39. Vocabulary word in action:
    -"Before she knew it she had grabbed his hand to stop him." pg.96

    Literary Tool:
    -"The years took the fight out of Janie's face." pg.76

    Syntax tool:
    -"She didn't know that driven by...She was sorry about he root-doctor...She was worried about...She knew that she was a much better cook..." pg.82

    - This title suits all 6 previous chapters because you only live once. Jody died, but he died accomplishing his dream, but now Janie has been living somewhat of a nightmare with Jody. With Jodys' death she has been given an opportunity to live out her dream of finding true love, and so she meets Tea Cup. Even though people criticize Janie for being with a younger, lesser man, so early after the death of Jody, Janie decides that you only live once, and she's going to do what she wants to.

    Favorite Quote:
    -"Poor Jody! He ought not to have to wrassle in there by himself." pg.84
    - The reason this is my favorite quote is that Janie, even though Jody didn't treat her with the utmost respect, and exploded her dreams, she still worried for him, and had compassion towards him.

    Kathleen C

  40. Yarien S. "SPEAR"
    Vocabulary Word: Ambiguous
    With how ambiguous is "open to more than one interpretation" i view the marriage of Jania and Joe fits that very well as it is viewed differently by the people in town and to both Joe and Janie as well.

    Literary Tool: hyperbole (pg 84)
    "So Janie began to think of Death. Death, that strange being with the huge square toes who lived in the straight house like a platform without sides to it, and without a roof."

    Syntax tool: Allusion (pg 87)
    "Years ago,she had told her girl self to wait for her in the looking glass"

    Title: The burden called Marriage
    I chose this title as throughout the chapters it is mainly centered on Janie and Joe's marriage and the events that come about from them. Even with Joe dead the effects of the marriage still plague Janie she is still in charge of the store, all the years she spent with him have changed her forever and she can never go back to "old girl self" as she calls it.

    Favorite Quote: "When you pull yo' britches down you look lak de change uh life!"
    It was just overtly humorous. It also showed that Janie has still not been completely dominated by Joe's oppressive rule over her and her life.
    Yarien S. "SPEAR" Period 3

  41. Title- Rebirth and Resound

    I gave this as the title because after Jody dies, she realizes she is free. Free from speaking her mind. Her rebirth is that even though she is 35, she still looks forward. Resound, because her heart has been restored. she has found someone who makes her happy throughout everything.

    Vocabulary-Coquetry: pg. 104

    “Naw, Ah never gazes at ‘em in de lookin’ glass.If anybody else gits any pleasure out of ‘em Ah ain’t been told about it.”

    “See dat? You’se got de world in uh jug and make out you don’t know it. But Ah’m glad tuh be de one tuh tell yuh.”

    “Ah guess you done told plenty women all about it.”

    Lit tool- Personification pg. 84

    "Four Walls squeezing her breath out."

    Syntax- Polysyndeton pg. 88

    "Then again the gold and red and purple, the gloat and glamour of the secret orders…"

    Favorite quote:pg. 86

    "You changes everything but nothin' don't change you- not even death."
    I found this quote empowering, because it shows that Janie is strong and she stood up to him.And it's true because sometimes when you about to die you realize something, Oh my gosh, I'm going to die. It's something that's supposed to smack you kn the face. What are you suppose to do but value your life on earth and change for the better. But this doesn't happen for Joe. he's the same as he always been, even at his deathbed.

    Dianne G. Period 5

  42. Luis Madruga Period: 3

    Commiserate--> When Joe rejects Janie's soup, Janie was upset so she went to see her friend Pheoby. Pheoby commiserated Janie. Pg.82

    Literary Tool: Allusion--> "He did not return that night nor the next and so she plunged into the abyss and descended to the ninth darkness where light has never been." Allusion to Dante's Inferno. Pg. 108

    Form of Syntax: Anaphora--> "Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies." Pg. 110

    Title: "Reconstruction" --> Jody's restraints against Janie are now gone. After almost two decades of withstanding Joe's unfairness, Janie can finally be free from practically being Joe's slave. She can finally recover from her wounds, caused very slowly and painfully throughout her years of suffering.

    Favorite Quote: "He looked like the love thoughts of women. He could be a bee to a blossom, a pear tree blossom in the spring"--> Janie found a strong connection with Tea Cake. One that really made her think about him, and couldn't let her stop thinking about him. Every time Tea Cake didn't pass by the store, all Janie would do is think about what he might be doing. Pg. 106

  43. "Her hair was not going to show in the store. It didn't seem sensible at all." pg 55. First quote can represent the word CUR because in a way he was being a mongrel for the oppression he was putting on her due to her arrogance. PG55

    Anaphora: "He just stood in front of a chair and fell in it.. He didn't rear back his knees any longer. He squatted over his ankles when he walked." PG 77
    Anaphora: "Tea Cake and Janie gone hunting. Tea Cake and Janie gone fishing. Tea Cake and Janie gone to Orlando to the movies." PG 110

    Nicole Franco Period 3.

    Lit tool: metaphor:" Janie starched and ironed her face"PG88

    My fav quote:" Janie had robbed him of his illusion of irreducible maleness."
    Because it shows how Janie finally put Jody in the place he belonged. Making his "manhood" lower. He longed to be the one in power, but Janie finally defended herself, and put herself first before her husband like all the time before.

    Title: "colors of the wind." this title represents how every person's true intentions came out. How Janie finally realizes the woman she was, is and should become. As well as for Jody's way of being and way he should treat her, rather than the way he has. Janie realizes she has fallen out of love, and her marriage cannot be saved; not even sure there was love at all. Janie realizes she must love herself first and then the world. After almost two decades of withstanding Joe's cold ways, Janie can finally be free from it all.

  44. Vocabulary Word: Brazen
    -Brazen can be used to describe the situation where in chaper 7 Janie takes the middle of the floor to challenge Jody, in front of many people. Claiming he was the one getting old, not her and showing she too has a voice.

    Lit Tool: Metaphor (Pg. 77)
    -"You ain't no young pellet no mo'. You'se uh ole hen now."

    Syntax Device: Litotes (Pg. 79)
    -"T'aint no use in gettin' all mad, Janie, 'cause Ah mention you ain't no young gal no mo'.

    Title: Dreams Have A Voice
    -The reason I chose this title is due to the mood the author sets in the beginning of chapers 7-12. Janie confronts Starks and voices her opinion, voices how she feels, letting him know she's not just anyone. Janie has a dream, and her dream has a voice, she's not just any push-over. Even when Starks dies she goes on to find Tea Cake and her dreams are yet to wither.

    Favorite Quote: For the first time she could see a man's head naked of its skull. (Pg. 77)
    -I love this quote because it displays Janie's strengths. She discovers how Joe thinks even before he thinks it, she knows what he will say way before the sound waves escape his lips. Janie is no blonde bimbo and this quote depics her having an epiphany and showing her for her true self.

    Steven A. Period 5

  45. Vocab word: Languid
    "Then too she noticed how baggy Joe was getting all over.Like bags hanging form an iron board. A little sack hung from the corners of his eyes and rested on his cheek bones; a loose filled bag of feathers hung from his ears and rested on his neck beneath his chin. A sack of flabby something hung from his loins and rested on his thighs when he sat down." Page 81

    Literary tool: Anaphora
    " You'se too young uh 'oman tuh stay single, and you'se too pretty for de mens tuh leave yuh alone. You'se bound tuh marry." Page 91

    Title: The Key to the Kingdom
    At the beginning Janie reminisces the begining of her relationship with Joe. She was to be trated like a queen but eventually became enslaved by her own husband. When Joe passes away she meets Tea Cake who sees her as a beautiful woman. Tea Cake has nothing to offer at such a young age but still promises her all her desires.

    Favorite quote:" Nobody else on earth kin hold uh candle tuh you, baby. You got de keys to de kingdown." Page 109
    Explanation: He admires her every feature even with the growing of age. Mentioning the key to the kingdom reminded me of having the key to someone's heart. The kingdom was symbollism for her being trated as a queen.

    Jessica C. Period 3

  46. -Vocabulary Word:
    Ostentatious: "Then she starched and ironed her face, forming it into just what people wanted to see, and opened the window and cried, 'Come heah people! Jody is dead. Mah husband is gone from me.'" (Page 87)

    -Literary Device:
    Metaphor: "She sent her face to Joe's funeral, and herself went rollicking with the springtime across the world." (Page 88)

    -Syntax Tool:
    Polysyndeton: "Baseball games and huntin' and fishin'." (Page 112)

    "Freedom Alas": Within these six chapters Janie had to slowly realize that she can finally take her life into her own hands. She was living her life being tied down like a puppet while her puppet master controlled every step she took. Unfortunately for her, she had been passed down to different masters, and she never truly got her own voice until the day of Joe's death. Soon after she realized that she DOES have a mind of her own and that she has the ability to speak her mind without constraints.

    -Favorite Quote:
    "She adored and hated him at the same time." (Page 108) I feel as if this quote can relate to just about anyone. How many times, in life, do you meet someone in your life that you love and hate at the same time? At one point or another you might just end up meeting that one person that can make you cringe and smile all the while not really knowing why you keep that one person in your life. Maybe this can have to do with the feeling she gets just for his presence being near, but that might not be the case for all of us. Maybe it has something to do with a friend or even a relative that you just aren't completely sure why you can't fully cut them out of your life. Whatever your reason may be, it's still wondrous how little it may seem we each have in common while we actually face most of the same problems, emotionally.

    Ealeen B.
    Period 5

  47. 1)Vocabulary word
    -"Tuh think Ah been wid Jody for twenty yeahs and Ah just now got tuh bear tuh uh poisonin' him! It's 'bout to kill me,Pheoby. Sorrow dogged by sorrow is in mah heart." Chapter 8, pg. 82-83

    2)Literary tool
    -"But she had been whipped like a cur dog, and run off down a back road after things."

    3)Synax tool
    -"..going straight by walking crooked." Chapter 12, pg. 112

    5) Favorite quote
    "It was so crazy digging worms by lamp light and setting out for Lake Sabelia after midnight that she felt like a child breaking rules. That's what made Janie like it." Chapter 11, pg. 102
    -I chose this quote because it once again reminds us that sometimes the only reason why people like doing certain things is because the feeling breaking rules gives one. Breaking rules may often times be thought of as pleasurable because it gives the person a sort of freedom to be disregarding what they are forbidden to do.

    Gabriel E.
    Period 5

    1. I forgot to complete number 4, if this is still valid I would like to answer the question here.

      Title: "A New Beginning"
      -I chose this title because in chapters 7-12, I feel that Janie truly has a new beginning to her current life. She is unhappy with the way things are going with Jody and has even stopped enjoying life like she used too. After Jody dies, things seem to start turning around for her, she starts going inside of herself to realize who she really is and what really makes her happy. Another topic my title relates too is her new relationship with Tea cake.

  48. 1. Vocabulary word: Pugnacious, page 78.
    “ Jody didn’t laugh. He hurried across from the post office side and took the plug of tobacco away from Mixon and cut it again. Cut it exactly on the mark and glared at Janie.
    ‘I god amighty! A woman stay round uh store till she get old as Methusalem and still can’t cut a little piece of tobacco! Don’t stand dere rollin’ yo’ pop eyes at me wid yo’ rump hangin’ nearly to yo’ knees!’”

    2.Lit. tool: Personification, page 84.
    “Death, that strange being with the huge square toes who lived that way in the West. The great one who lived in the straight house like a platform without sides to it, and without a roof.”

    3.Syntax tool: Anaphora, page 110.
    “Tea Cake making flower beds in Janie’s yard... Tea Cake in a borrowed car… Tea Cake and Janie playing checkers.”

    4.Title: “The Town of Many Seasons”
    At the end of chapter four, the narrator says that, because of Joe, Janie was going to be constantly surrounded by springtime which is a metaphor for love and happiness. As we read about her twenty years in the town, we can slowly see the seasons of Janie’s world changing into what seems to be an eternal winter as she loses her love for Joe. Then her frozen world melts at meeting Tea Cake who she feels is showing her what life and love are truly about, thus going full circle. The title also incorporates the town because it is the reader’s understanding by the end of chapter twelve that Janie and Tea Cake are going to run away and leave the town behind them.

    5.Favorite quote: “When God had made The Man, he made him out of stuff that sung all the time and glittered all over. Then after that some angels got jealous and chopped him into millions of pieces, but still he glittered and hummed. So they beat him down to nothing but sparks but each little spark had a shine and a song. So they covered each one over with mud. And the lonesomeness in the sparks makes them hunt for one another, but the mud is deaf and dumb.”
    I enjoyed this quote because it was almost talking about how humanity in general has always had a will about it and how it always attempts to find someone with a similar song, regardless of how bad the odds may be. Also, I related it in general to finding another human being who is compatible with ourselves and how we sometimes let an ideal person walk on by without so much as a single glance in their direction because of how covered up in mud we are.

    Flavia L., period 3.

  49. Vocabulary Word: Confidant. On page 93, Janie confesses to Pheoby that Joe's death does not worry her. Pheoby tells her to keep that fact quiet which displays an act of secrets being confided between one another.

    Literary Tool: Personification. Page 99, "Soon its amber fluid was drenching the earth, and quenching the thirst of the day."

    Syntax: Anaphora. Page 84 “He stands in his high house that overlooks the world. Stands watchful and motionless all day with his sword drawn back, waiting for the messenger to bid him come. Been standing there before there was a where or a when or a then.”

    Title: A Voice
    These are the chapters where Janie breaks free in her character and begins to stand up for herself. She is able to now pursue her wants, her dream, for that horizon. She is able to break free from the stifling relationship she had, in the process achieving her own voice.

    Favorite Quote: Page 93 ”Let ‘em say whut dey wants tuh, Pheoby. To my thinkin’ mourning oughtn’t tuh last no longer’n grief.”
    This is my favorite quote from the chapter being that it states a philosophy of mine. To go with the flow, ignoring what others have to say. For it to be written in a 1930s southern dialect makes it all the more enlightening for me.

    Johan Trujillo, Period 5

  50. 1.Vocab. Word: Coquetry; Example: In page 98 when Tea Cake says, “If yuh wants tuh be uh lil friendly and me Tea Cake.”People normally when to get “closer” to someone they don’t know but are interested in by allowing them their nickname. He was definitely performing an act of flirtation. Especially later when he tips his hat on his way out.

    2.Lit Tool: Simile ; Quote: “But the fourth day after he came in the afternoon driving a battered car. Jumped out like a deer and made the gesture of tying it to a post on the store porch.”; Page: 108

    3.Syntax Tool: Anaphora; Quote: … He looked like the love thought of women. He could be a bee to a blossom – a pear tree blossom in the spring. He seemed to be crushing scent out of the world with his footsteps… ; Page: 106

    4.Title: Money Never Walks to the Heart; Explain: I think this is a great title for all six chapters because even if Jody had all the money to offer Janie it’s like she once said that “all there’ll ever be is this store and house” and so really when Tea Cake comes around and though she’s stubborn he catches her interest even though he don’t got a penny he don’t need no costly possession to make him comfortable. I guess though out the chapters she changes and realizes there’s more to life than a spitting vase and a two-story white house.

    5.Favorite Quote: “You got de world in uh jug and make out you don’t know it.”; Explain: In page 104 I found this quote which I honestly find to be genius and pertaining to many people, to me even, in various ways. To me it makes me reflect to the times when I succumb to ignorance and place the reality/facts aside and ignore it and it’s advances to reach me because I don’t wish to face any of it.

    Ivis J Period 5

  51. Stephanie M Pd-1

    Casca-"Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!"(3.1.78)

    Antony's servant-"Say I love Brutus, and I honor him. Say I feared Caesar, honored him, and loved him."

    The word I see at play is valiant. It is because in this everyone is convinced that justice is being served that they are Rome's heroes. I would title this scene "Bitter Sweet Justice" because in the end the conspirators get what they want and while some people are happy others are not all the while "justice" was served.
