Saturday, June 16, 2012


If you are checking the blog for the first time since school let out, be sure to go back to the post from June 11th, and work your way up!  For those of you "in the know" already, read on:

I've been grading some quizzes, and I came across a few that have mentioned that they're embracing this assignment (which is great)...while others are complaining.  REALLY???????????  I thought we were beyond that.

Here are your options:
A.  Don't read, take the F for the summer, get a C the first quarter, don't go on our first couple field trips that deal with this book (and, possibly, our second book). Once you choose this, don't complain - you ALONE chose this option

B.  Don't read, drop the AICE class.  Take honors, and be done with it.  Don't complain about this option either.  You have a way out - congrats!   WE REFUSE TO FIGHT YOU!  Don't want to, don't need to, don't care to.  We can't make you do something you don't want to do.

C.  Embrace the book(s) and the lessons they're going to offer, do the reading, do the work, don't complain, TRUST US! 

NOTICE there is no choice D: to complain, nag, bash us for giving summer work, complain some more, whatever.  You are getting DOUBLE bonus points for your GPA!!!!  We teachers don't get a cent to do what we do over the summer.  Regardless, you HAVE to do summer reading...even the intensive students have to read two books.  They also have assignments that accompany the summer reading, so suck it up!  Remember, an IDLE BRAIN IS THE DEVIL'S WORKSHOP!  We are trying to keep you up there among the stars, shining brightly!  Remember, stars don't complain - they just shine...ALL THE TIME...even in the darkness...remember?!?!?!

Besides, it's an enjoyable book, the assignments are to help you with SAT/ACT, the AICE exam next May, and with college.  It's not mindless, pointless, BS work.  It's meant to HELP YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why not make a change this summer and EMBRACE CHANGE?  Do it the Enzo and Denny way!

Love you all....

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