Thursday, December 15, 2011

Winter Break Assignment

Periods 1, 2, 4, and 6:  Click HERE for the link to print your HW.
Periods 3 & 5: CLICK HERE to access your Winter Break Assigment (if you had downloaded this assignment prior to Sunday, 12/18, at 10:30 p.m., then the link was wrong.  Sorry, guys!  It is working properly now. (And for whatever reason I wrote you needed three per tier; it's only one for each of the seven.  As always, I was working into the wee hours of the night.)



  1. My reading plus isn't working! D: I keep getting a Server Aplication Unavailable Report and It's been happening for like 3 days now.

  2. Gaby,

    Try calling 1-800-Read-Plus! They are open Monday through Friday until 5 pm (though they may be closed today).

    Hope this helps! Love and miss you!

  3. Hey guys, hope you had a Merry Christmas! :D

    Sorry to bother, but I saw this picture on the googles, and I desperately want to know if I could use this ( ) on the assignment for asyndeton. I know it's not a movie or a song, but it IS a picture... and technically movies are just moving pictures ;)

    Angel P.
    6th period

  4. Thanks C-Rod! I called and got it to work again. I hope both you and Curbelo had an amazing break. See you soon!
