Monday, November 21, 2011

Reading Plus Superstars!

Congratulations to the following students for completing 31 sessions with a comprehension average of 75% or higher.  We also included the names of the students that have the most sessions completed with at least a 75% comprehension average. You will receive a special treat and Cambridge Cash for your diligence! We are VERY proud of you!  Here are our STAR READING PLUS STUDENTS:
Period 1 - Lauren A., Jon C., Stephanie F., Shirley G., Steven L., Saily M., Alondra P.,  Mark P., Angel R., Jessica R. (Jessica R. and Saily M. are tied for the most sessions completed - 33!)
Period 2 -  Annie D., Lejannie G., Erik O., Natalie P., Daniela V., Eric V. (Erik O has the most sessions completed - 43!)
Period 3 - Jennifer A., Eric H., Stephany M., Alejandra M., Megan M., Valarie P., Dalyn V., Yvana V. (Valarie P. and Yvana V. are tied for most sessions completed - 33!)
Period 4 -  Jayla C., Alejandro F., Michelle L., Genesis M., Paul P. (Paul P. has the most session completed - 34!)
Period 5 - Eileen B., Tiffany C., Dayalin I., Melisa S. (Dayalin I. has the most session completed - 33!)
Period 6 - Samantha A., Astrid C., Jason C., Claudia D., Danexy D., Geosette G., Maria L., Gretter M., Laura P., Chabely P., Liz R., Tatiana R., Kelly S. (Chabely P. has the most sessions completed - 38!)

ALL STUDENTS: We will have a "Catch-Up Contest" again before Christmas Break, so start moving!  By 12/13, you will need to have 45 sessions at 75% or higher to receive the bonus!  That is two more than what you would need, which is 43!  This bonus will be even better!


  1. Hope Your son gets better! :)

  2. Thanks! I miss you all! I will be there tomorrow, but Wednesday is iffy :)


  3. Dear MC2R,

    I'm currently having issues with my reading plus and the site code does not work. This dilemma happened just now as I was trying to finish my second session and I don't know what to do since support is not available at these hours.

    Richard D.

  4. Hey Richard,

    have you tried going through your portal as well? If so, are you using the right site code? The code is hia117. Hope this helps! :)

