Friday, April 27, 2012

Periods 2 & 6 HW (5th Period, Your HW is Under This Post)

For your HW, you will write an essay then enter it into Writing Roadmap 2 (WR2)!  Once you have your essay written (it should only take 50 minutes TOPS...including your planning), you need to go to

The site code is WR31-0018; your ID is your ID, your last initial then first initial (e.g., 179604RC would be mine); your PWord is your ID number then Hia (e.g., 179604hia would be mine).

Then click on the "Young People" link and enter your essay. You need to type it in AS IS on your paper.  Do not fix the spelling, the grammar, or add or delete any words from your essay!  The score won't be accurate if you do.  We have to make this as real of a situation as possible...and on AICE day, there is no FIXING your essay.

You are also going to need to print Writing Roadmap Feedback Form on the right of our blog.  Fill it out in accordance with the feedback the program provides.  Then pull out your AICE mark scheme papers (rubric) and see where the WR2 comments compare or relate to the AICE rubric.  What score would you have received if the WR2 graded you on the AICE scale?????

Your written draft, feedback form and your AICE score is due when you return on Tuesday.


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