Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Periods 1, 3 & 5 HW

Period 1 - Click here for the link for Act I, Scene 2 (I only included what we had left to read).  Notice that we converted the text into a two-sided table.  Print it!  (If you need a printer, come and see me tomorrow after school or during lunch. I made a few copies) 

OK...on the left are the words of the play.  On the right, you are going to write in your interpretation.  We also want you to identify any literary tools you recognize.  Think about when we stop to explain the chunks.  If we could write it out, we would do it on the right side of this handout.  Just like when we ask you which lit tools are present, we want you to identify them here.  Instead of verbalizing them like you do in class, write them down on the right hand side.   

We will collect this when you walk in the door on Thursday!  You also need to respond to the post Mrs. Curbelo posted below.  KNOW THAT WE LOVE YOU!

Periods 3 & 5 - Remember to only evaluate Question 1 A from each of the sheets.  There are four in total.  Do not grade questions 1B, 3A, or 3B...ONLY QUESTIONS LABELED 1 A.  Highlight each essay in yellow, orange and pink...then give it a Band score and a Mark score.  I also want you to determine which is most like your essay :)

For your lit tools test, expect to be assessed on the following:  alliteration, allusion, analogy, anaphora, aphorism, apostrophe, assonance, asyndeton, chiasmus, connotation, denotation, ethos, euphemism, hyperbole, irony, litotes, logos, meiosis, metaphor, metonymy, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, paradox, parallelism, pathos, personification, pun, satire, simile, syllogism, symbolism, synecdoche, syntax

Click HERE for a the list of the lit terms and their definitions. 


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