All periods - You are going to create a chart with 6 columns: the word, definition, pronunciation, 2 synonyms, 1 antonym, and other forms. For pronunciation, do it like these examples: ODIOUS would be pronounced OH-DEE-US; BREVITY would be BREH-VIH-TEE. "Other forms" is how else the word can be used. For example, SATIRE could also be in the form of SATIRICAL. You may have more than one form per word, while some other words may not have any other or will help for all columns.
PERIODS 3 & 5 - I already gave you the words. If you were absent, call a friend :)
PERIODS 1, 2, 4 & 6 - Below is a list of your words. (Period 1, your HW is due on Wednesday; Periods 2, 4, & 6, your HW is due on Thursday)
Unit 6 Words:
BREVITY (n) – shortness, briefness; conciseness of expression
DELINEATE (v) – to portray accurately; outline, describe
EPHEMERAL (adj) – short-lived, fleeting, transient
COPIOUS (adj) – superabundant; in plentiful supply
DEARTH (n) – an inadequacy or lack of something
PAUCITY (n) – a small number of something
INFINITESIMAL (adj) – tiny; very small in number, amount, or degree
EVANESCENT (adj) – fading or vanishing quickly
PRODIGIOUS (adj) – inspiring awe; enormous in size or capacity
MINISCULE (adj) – very, very little
MEAGER/SCANTY (adj) – lacking in quality or quantity; skimpy
SUPERFLUOUS (adj) – extra and unnecessary; redundant
MAGNATE (n) – someone of power or rank
MIN/MINI – less; little
MAGN – great; large
SUPER – above; over; beyond
Hey Mrs.C-rod & Curbelo, wouldn't Delinteate be Delineate. Error?
ReplyDeleteYes, error. Thanks for catching my typo.