If you failed two or more quizzes (or had to sit out for 2 or more because you did not read), it's safe to say you are not going on the field trip. Won't be able to access the list until tomorrow a.m. because it's on our hard drive there...not here...sorry.
We will be in our room early to collect $ and forms, and finalize our roster.
See you then!
(See below for more information)
“Our students are STARS! They shine by their own light, they follow their own path, and they don't dwindle in the darkness . . . for that is when they shine brightest.”
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
All Classes - Read Here!
Periods 3 & 5 - Be sure to bring your "You're a Star" necklace and your bandana wristband for your Cambridge exam on Thursday. We will replenish the other items on test day :) There is a post after this one that has your HW in it! Be sure you see it!!!!
Periods 1, 2, 4, and 6 - For our field trip on Wednesday, you will need to do the following:
1. Bring $3! We did not know the museum charges. If you can't make this happen, please let us know ahead of time; we can help. We are bringing you bagged lunches, so you will not need money for food...unless you want something in the museum's cafe'.
2. Our gentlemen need to wear dress pants, a collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Our young ladies need to wear either dress pants, a dress shirt, and a dressy pair of shoes. If you wear a dress, it cannot be short. Anything two inches above the knee is not allowed. You cannot wear tank tops or spaghetti straps. Your shoes should be comfortable because we are doing a lot of walking.
3. Bring some type of camera or your phone, as your assignment requires you take photos! Remember, you cannot use your phone for calls or texts while at the museum or memorial!
4. We need your field trip form! Bring it signed by your parents, please.
5. Check back on Monday night to see if you are on our list to attend. We are going through the list Monday morning (yes, on our day off) to see who's eligible to attend.
Now for your HW: You need to do your enjambment poem ( a minimum of 8 lines). CLICK HERE for a sample (one of my favorite poems). You will see the lines aren't complete thoughts; in the middle of a phrase or sentence, e.e. cummings goes to the next line (so it's jammed up). You will also notice he takes some liberties with his punctuation and grammar GPS. (Finally, you can use a lowercase "i" for the pronoun "I.") Have fun with this! This is due on Tuesday for first period, and our even day students have to turn it in on Wednesday before we leave on our trip.
We are looking forward to our last two weeks together! Remember that we love you!
Periods 1, 2, 4, and 6 - For our field trip on Wednesday, you will need to do the following:
1. Bring $3! We did not know the museum charges. If you can't make this happen, please let us know ahead of time; we can help. We are bringing you bagged lunches, so you will not need money for food...unless you want something in the museum's cafe'.
2. Our gentlemen need to wear dress pants, a collared shirt, tie, and dress shoes. Our young ladies need to wear either dress pants, a dress shirt, and a dressy pair of shoes. If you wear a dress, it cannot be short. Anything two inches above the knee is not allowed. You cannot wear tank tops or spaghetti straps. Your shoes should be comfortable because we are doing a lot of walking.
3. Bring some type of camera or your phone, as your assignment requires you take photos! Remember, you cannot use your phone for calls or texts while at the museum or memorial!
4. We need your field trip form! Bring it signed by your parents, please.
5. Check back on Monday night to see if you are on our list to attend. We are going through the list Monday morning (yes, on our day off) to see who's eligible to attend.
Now for your HW: You need to do your enjambment poem ( a minimum of 8 lines). CLICK HERE for a sample (one of my favorite poems). You will see the lines aren't complete thoughts; in the middle of a phrase or sentence, e.e. cummings goes to the next line (so it's jammed up). You will also notice he takes some liberties with his punctuation and grammar GPS. (Finally, you can use a lowercase "i" for the pronoun "I.") Have fun with this! This is due on Tuesday for first period, and our even day students have to turn it in on Wednesday before we leave on our trip.
We are looking forward to our last two weeks together! Remember that we love you!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Periods 3 & 5 HW
Click HERE to access the document you will need to analyze and comment on for HW. Don't take more than 10 minutes reading and annotating, and take no more than 1 hour to respond to both prompts (one is the commentary, and the other is the review). Use the sample we did in class today as a guide. Go paragraph by paragraph if that makes it easier for you.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
First, be sure to read the post under this one about making up ZEROS! That is vital, and I didn't want you to miss it!
OK, here goes:
Are you feeling a little weary? Frustrated? Burned out? Well, TODAY IS A NEW DAY!
After much thought and in taking pen to paper, I have decided to CHANGE! (Thank you, Bryan! Muah!) I have to be at my best for each of you (and my beautiful and AMAZING Curbi), and no one has to tell me I've been slipping - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I blame it on me, and I am going to take the steps to fix it before it's too late (we still have three weeks of school left).
I certainly cannot control my circumstances, but I can alter the way I plan and go about my day. Here's the plan (and I'm expecting you all to hold me to it):
I can't change that I have to read TWO novels for our classes, so I promise to read ahead of time, not wait until the night before. I will have WAW read one night in advance, and TGG will be done the DAY before I meet with you 11th graders. 'Nough said!
In doing that alone, I know I will sleep more. Even still, I promise to give my body (and mind) at least 6 hours of rest a night (but I will truly aim for 7). I'm also not drinking enough water (which might explain the dizziness, nausea, and heart palpitations yesterday...along with fatigue), so I promise to drink 90 oz. per day. Eating is an issue, too (not doing it enough and not eating enough), so it's back to peanut butter at 9-ish (that table in first period is just going to have to deal with it), and an apple (or orange) around 1! And with that said, I promise to cook at least two nights a week (until summer...then it's 5 times), and I will exercise at least 3 times a week.
The good news is that if I take care of the aforementioned issues, it is likely I will feel emotionally and spiritually stronger too! I am a little loca, and much of that will never change, but I promise to be better. More than anything, I need to kick Fear's butt. Too much fear is never good. I haven't even felt like going back to school (my Doctorate) because I fear I won't be good enough. Don't say, "Awwww, poor C-Rod!" In my heart and in the deepest parts of my being, I KNOW "I GOT THIS"! But for whatever reason, my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm going to fix that. I promise to be in that Doctoral regalia at 2014's graduation. God knows I will beaming with pride watching you strut across that stage, but I want you to be able to look up on stage and see me all decked out and know we made it TOGETHER. Therefore, I will register for my Fall classes MONDAY (they're my last two), and I will work on my dissertation (and study for my qualifying exam) at least six hours a week beginning June 11th!
OK, so now this is where you come in. I want you to create a list of changes you want to make so you can be a better you (if you feel there is room for improvement). However, you must be specific! Don't just say, "I will get more rest." Say, "I will sleep 7 hours a night." Don't say, "I want to earn a 'A'." Say, "I vow to do EVERY homework assignment." In addition, create some short-term and long-term goals. Feel free to post your goals here, and we will hold each other to it! Today is a NEW DAY, so let's do it! Just think - how amazing is it that God makes everything anew each morning, and allows us to end it the way we choose? Crazy crap is going to happen, but if our minds, bodies and spirits are at their prime, we will be able to handle it better!!!!!! Remember, life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it.
Love you all, and thank you for being so patient with me. I, too, am still evolving as a human being (and, truthfully, it never stops).
As always, SMILE :)
Don't forget to read the post under this one about making up ZEROS! I don't want you to miss it!
OK, here goes:
Are you feeling a little weary? Frustrated? Burned out? Well, TODAY IS A NEW DAY!
After much thought and in taking pen to paper, I have decided to CHANGE! (Thank you, Bryan! Muah!) I have to be at my best for each of you (and my beautiful and AMAZING Curbi), and no one has to tell me I've been slipping - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I blame it on me, and I am going to take the steps to fix it before it's too late (we still have three weeks of school left).
I certainly cannot control my circumstances, but I can alter the way I plan and go about my day. Here's the plan (and I'm expecting you all to hold me to it):
I can't change that I have to read TWO novels for our classes, so I promise to read ahead of time, not wait until the night before. I will have WAW read one night in advance, and TGG will be done the DAY before I meet with you 11th graders. 'Nough said!
In doing that alone, I know I will sleep more. Even still, I promise to give my body (and mind) at least 6 hours of rest a night (but I will truly aim for 7). I'm also not drinking enough water (which might explain the dizziness, nausea, and heart palpitations yesterday...along with fatigue), so I promise to drink 90 oz. per day. Eating is an issue, too (not doing it enough and not eating enough), so it's back to peanut butter at 9-ish (that table in first period is just going to have to deal with it), and an apple (or orange) around 1! And with that said, I promise to cook at least two nights a week (until summer...then it's 5 times), and I will exercise at least 3 times a week.
The good news is that if I take care of the aforementioned issues, it is likely I will feel emotionally and spiritually stronger too! I am a little loca, and much of that will never change, but I promise to be better. More than anything, I need to kick Fear's butt. Too much fear is never good. I haven't even felt like going back to school (my Doctorate) because I fear I won't be good enough. Don't say, "Awwww, poor C-Rod!" In my heart and in the deepest parts of my being, I KNOW "I GOT THIS"! But for whatever reason, my mind is playing tricks on me. I'm going to fix that. I promise to be in that Doctoral regalia at 2014's graduation. God knows I will beaming with pride watching you strut across that stage, but I want you to be able to look up on stage and see me all decked out and know we made it TOGETHER. Therefore, I will register for my Fall classes MONDAY (they're my last two), and I will work on my dissertation (and study for my qualifying exam) at least six hours a week beginning June 11th!
OK, so now this is where you come in. I want you to create a list of changes you want to make so you can be a better you (if you feel there is room for improvement). However, you must be specific! Don't just say, "I will get more rest." Say, "I will sleep 7 hours a night." Don't say, "I want to earn a 'A'." Say, "I vow to do EVERY homework assignment." In addition, create some short-term and long-term goals. Feel free to post your goals here, and we will hold each other to it! Today is a NEW DAY, so let's do it! Just think - how amazing is it that God makes everything anew each morning, and allows us to end it the way we choose? Crazy crap is going to happen, but if our minds, bodies and spirits are at their prime, we will be able to handle it better!!!!!! Remember, life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% how you deal with it.
Love you all, and thank you for being so patient with me. I, too, am still evolving as a human being (and, truthfully, it never stops).
As always, SMILE :)
Don't forget to read the post under this one about making up ZEROS! I don't want you to miss it!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
First, did you know that the plural of "zero" is spelled two ways! "Zeroes" and "zeros" are both acceptable. Hmmm, wonders never cease! Anyway, to help you get those grades up, as well as get some added reading practice, we have the following opportunity for you:
If you have zeros in the gradebook for Reading Plus this quarter, you have until 5/25 to make up those sessions. You are responsible for printing your own Reading Plus reports showing the date, the sessions completed, and the comprehension percentage. On that report, you will indicate the dates you earned the zero, so we know which grades to replace. You must submit this by 5/25 at 2:20 p.m.
Know we love you!
First, did you know that the plural of "zero" is spelled two ways! "Zeroes" and "zeros" are both acceptable. Hmmm, wonders never cease! Anyway, to help you get those grades up, as well as get some added reading practice, we have the following opportunity for you:
If you have zeros in the gradebook for Reading Plus this quarter, you have until 5/25 to make up those sessions. You are responsible for printing your own Reading Plus reports showing the date, the sessions completed, and the comprehension percentage. On that report, you will indicate the dates you earned the zero, so we know which grades to replace. You must submit this by 5/25 at 2:20 p.m.
Know we love you!
Monday, May 14, 2012
HW - Periods 1, 3 and 5
Period 1 - You are reading the rest of Chapter 2. Remember that you need to annotate your book, identify literary devices and the reasons the author used them. You should also print the Tone Word List, and as you read, look for the tone created by the author (the narrator) and the teens' diary entries. You should also identify the words and quotes that catalyze this tone. DON'T FORGET TO ALSO DOWNLOAD THE POETRY PORTFOLIO DOCUMENTS ON THE RIGHT . . . and begin your sonnet. The more you have done, the more we can help next class.
In addition, let's work on better behavior for next class! Even though we were slightly disappointed in your silliness, I have to say we were impressed by your quiz grades. GREAT JOB THERE! See, we cannot be mad at you too long!
Oh, and since so many of you liked it, I am including the "Eyes of Blue" sonnet. (CLICK HERE TO ACCESS IT) In that document, I shared a third sonnet I wrote, "Freed Heart." Let's see if you can figure out the kind of sonnet it is.... :)
We will post the rest of the POETRY items later tonight or tomorrow, sorry :)
Periods 3 & 5 - Even though I did not see 3rd period today, you all are still responsible for Chapters 1 & 2 for next class. You should also print the Tone Word List, and as you read, look for the tone created by the author (the narrator). You should also identify the words and quotes that catalyze this tone, AND TELL ME THE "AND SO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before your write the words (and their meanings) into your vocab journal, you will need to divide the words into these categories: positive, negative, and neutral. You don't have to copy down the Spanish words...just the word and definition.
As always, you should be annotating your book! (Don't only point out the lit tools; you should also include the "AND SO.") You must do it on post-it notes, unless you plan on buying the book. You CAN keep the one you have, and just pay the $15.
Period 1 - You are reading the rest of Chapter 2. Remember that you need to annotate your book, identify literary devices and the reasons the author used them. You should also print the Tone Word List, and as you read, look for the tone created by the author (the narrator) and the teens' diary entries. You should also identify the words and quotes that catalyze this tone. DON'T FORGET TO ALSO DOWNLOAD THE POETRY PORTFOLIO DOCUMENTS ON THE RIGHT . . . and begin your sonnet. The more you have done, the more we can help next class.
In addition, let's work on better behavior for next class! Even though we were slightly disappointed in your silliness, I have to say we were impressed by your quiz grades. GREAT JOB THERE! See, we cannot be mad at you too long!
Oh, and since so many of you liked it, I am including the "Eyes of Blue" sonnet. (CLICK HERE TO ACCESS IT) In that document, I shared a third sonnet I wrote, "Freed Heart." Let's see if you can figure out the kind of sonnet it is.... :)
We will post the rest of the POETRY items later tonight or tomorrow, sorry :)
Periods 3 & 5 - Even though I did not see 3rd period today, you all are still responsible for Chapters 1 & 2 for next class. You should also print the Tone Word List, and as you read, look for the tone created by the author (the narrator). You should also identify the words and quotes that catalyze this tone, AND TELL ME THE "AND SO"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before your write the words (and their meanings) into your vocab journal, you will need to divide the words into these categories: positive, negative, and neutral. You don't have to copy down the Spanish words...just the word and definition.
As always, you should be annotating your book! (Don't only point out the lit tools; you should also include the "AND SO.") You must do it on post-it notes, unless you plan on buying the book. You CAN keep the one you have, and just pay the $15.
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